Specifying Db2 for z/OS for IMS batch regions

The SSM= parameter, instead of the DDITV02 DD statement, can be used in IMS DL/I and DBB batch regions to specify the Db2 for z/OS connection parameters.

The subsystem member in PROCLIB is the same format as for online; however, only a single Db2 for z/OS can be specified. The language interface token (LIT) used is SYS1, and the following additional parameters are passed to Db2 for z/OS by IMS in batch regions:

Connection Name
IMS uses the job name for the batch region as the connection name to provide uniqueness within the z/OS system for Db2 for z/OS.
IMS uses the application program name as the plan name. The resource translation table (RTT) can be used to translate the program name to the desired plan name if the plan has another name.
Program Name
The application program name can be specified in one of the following ways:
  • DSNMTV01 can be specified as the application program name for the batch region. When this method is used, control is given to DSNMTV01. When the Db2 for z/OS environment is established, control is passed to the application program.
  • The application program name can be specified for the batch region. When this method is used, the SSM= parameter must be specified on the batch region parameters. Control is given to DSNMTV01 directly to establish the ESS environment. When the Db2 for z/OS environment is established, control is passed to the application program specified in the batch region.

The subsystem member allows a batch region to use Db2 for z/OS without specifying the Db2 for z/OS parameters and application program in the batch region JCL. However, the DDITV02 DD statement can still be used. In fact, the SSM= parameter is overridden if both the DDITV02 DD statement is used and DSNMTV01 is the batch application program name.

The DDOTV02 DD statement must be used for messages and diagnostic information regardless of how the Db2 for z/OS connection parameters are specified.