Output message segment editing
For output message segments that MFS edits, only graphic data (X'40' through X'FE') is contained in the output message that is presented to the device. Nongraphic characters, if present in the output message, are changed by MFS before the data is presented to the device.
Device control characters HT, CR, LF, NL, and BS are changed to X'00' for 3270 data streams. For all other device types, all nongraphic characters are also changed to blanks.
If the Distributed Presentation Management (DPM) option of MFS is used for SLU-P or ISC, the user can specify GRAPHIC=NO in the SEG statement. Nongraphic characters, if present in the output segment with GRAPHIC=NO specified, are presented unchanged to the remote program.
For programmable workstations that are supported through VTAM®, IMS can insert function management headers (FMHs) and can perform additional editing for device control sequences when splitting a single IMS segment into multiple transmissions.