MSC link statistics

IMS maintains statistics for each MSC logical link. You can use link statistics for tuning MSC systems to process MSC messages more efficiently.

IMS records three types of MSC logical link statistics:
General statistics
Statistics start time, MSC ITASK dispatch counts, MSC ITASK processing times, and the rate and number of logger check writes
Send statistics
Messages sent, byte count sent, send message sizes, queue manager get counts and times, and send I/O times
Receive statistics
Messages received, byte count received, receive message sizes, QMGR insert counts and times, and receive I/O times

The I/O times for sends and receives are kept only when MSC bandwidth mode is enabled. If MSC bandwidth mode is disabled, the values for the I/O statistics are zero.

You can view the current statistics for a logical link by issuing the type-2 command QUERY MSLINK NAME(linkname) SHOW(STATISTICS).

IMS maintains two copies of the statistics for each logical link: the running cumulative totals since the last start or restart of IMS and the running cumulative totals since the last checkpoint or manual reset of the link statistics. The command QUERY MSLINK NAME(linkname) SHOW(STATISTICS) shows only the statistics since the last checkpoint or manual reset, unless the link statistics have not been reset since the last restart of IMS. Otherwise, you can see the running totals since the last IMS restart only by looking at the X'4513 ' log records.

You can reset the statistics for a link manually or have IMS automatically reset the statistics for a link at each system checkpoint. Resetting link statistics can be useful when running performance tests and comparing results. To manually reset the statistics for a link or to turn on or turn off automatic checkpoint reset for link statistics, issue the type-2 command UPDATE MSLINK NAME(linkname) START(STATISTICS) OPTION(reset_option) with the appropriate reset option. The logical link does not need to be stopped or idle to reset link statistics or to change from automatic to manual reset mode and back again.

Resetting MSC logical link statistics does not affect the logging of MSC logical link statistics. MSC logical link statistics are always logged and cannot be reset.