Backing out DRD command-related changes to your online system without a cold start of IMS
You can back out dynamic resource definition (DRD) command-related resource changes to your online system without a cold start of IMS.
Before you make changes to your system, use the EXPORT
DEFN command to export the resource and descriptor definitions
that are to be changed or deleted to either a non-system resource
definition data set (RDDS) or to the IMSRSC repository.
Then, issue CREATE, UPDATE,
and DELETE commands to create new resource definitions,
update existing resource definitions, and delete existing resource
definitions. If resource definitions were exported to the repository
by the EXPORT DEFN command or
an automatic export to the repository and they need to be modified,
issue another EXPORT command after a CREATE or UPDATE command
is issued in IMS. If you issued DELETE commands
in IMS, issue the DELETE DEFN command to delete
the resource definition from the repository for the IMS system.
Tip: Keep a list of the resources that are changed, updated,
and deleted, in case a backout of the changes is needed.
To back out changes:
- Issue DELETE commands for any resource and descriptor definitions that were newly created.
- Issue the IMPORT DEFN command with OPTION(UPDATE) to import (from either the non-system RDDS or the repository) the stored definitions for any resource and descriptor definitions that were updated or deleted. The IMPORT DEFN command creates any resource and descriptor definitions that were deleted and replaces any resource and descriptor definitions that were updated.