Dynamic resource definition sample application with RDDSs

The dynamic resource definition (DRD) sample application demonstrates how to set up and operate DRD with resource definition data sets (RDDSs).

The IVP provides the following steps to create an online IMS execution scenario that exercises DRD functions.

  1. The IVP prepares the resources by creating DBD and PSBs for the new resources.

    This step is demonstrated in the E series jobs and tasks.

  2. The IVP sets up the environment for DRD by:
    1. Creating the PROCLIB member DFSDF000. The IVP uses the following parameters:
      Parameter Description
      MODBLKS=DYN Enables DRD for MODBLKS resources.
      AUTOEXPORT=AUTO Exports resources automatically to an external data set at a checkpoint time.
      AUTOIMPORT=AUTO Imports resources automatically from an external data set during an IMS cold start.
      RDDSDSN=(IMS.RDDS1,IMS.RDDS2,IMS.RDDS3) Defines a set of three BSAM data sets that are used to save IMS resource definitions.
    2. Allocating three resource definition data sets (IMS.RDDS1, IMS.RDDS2, and IMS.RDDS3) that are used to save IMS resource definitions.

    This step is demonstrated in the E series jobs and tasks.

  3. The IVP executes the IMS system online by:
    1. Allocating database data sets for the new DBD
    2. Starting the IMS system with a cold start.
    3. Creating new resources (database, programs, and transactions) by using DRD.
    4. Executing the new programs and transactions to verify that the new resources are in effect.
      • The program DFSIVPD1 accesses the existing phone book database to update a record and delete it.
      • The program DFSIVPD2 is processed when the transaction IVTND is requested from a user terminal. The program also accesses the phone book database and responds to user terminal based on user action request to display, add, update, or delete a record.
    5. Shutting down the IMS system normally.

    This step is demonstrated in the O series jobs and tasks.

  4. The IVP restarts the IMS system by:
    1. Starting the IMS system with a cold start.
    2. Executing the new programs and transactions again to verify that the new resources are still in effect.
    3. Shutting down the IMS system normally.

    This step is demonstrated in the O series jobs and tasks.