Editing and formatting IMS messages

IMS uses two methods to edit and format messages to and from terminals: Message Format Service (MFS) and basic edit routines.

IMS provides samples of user-written exit routines that can be designed to edit:
  • Input and output from a terminal
  • Transaction codes
  • Input message fields
  • Input message segments
  • Message switching

This topic presents an overview of the advantages of MFS, introduces MFS control blocks for message formatting, and summarizes the characteristics of the different devices MFS supports and the responsibilities of the MFS administrator.

Restriction: MFS does not support LU 6.2 devices or OTMA. The LU 6.2 Edit exit routine (DFSLUEE0) is provided for both input and output messages from LU 6.2 devices when the implicit API support is used. The OTMA Input/Output Edit user exit (OTMAIOED) is provided for both input and output messages from OTMA.