Input libraries required by the population utilities
ACB library members are always required to populate the IMS catalog by using the IMS Catalog Populate utility (DFS3PU00) or the ACB Generation and Populate utility (DFS3UACB). DBD and PSB library members are conditionally required.
The ACB library members can be contained in one or more IMS.ACBLIB data sets. If the ACB libraries contain PSBs that refer to logical databases, the utilities require information from the DBD library members in the IMS.DBDLIB data set. If the ACB libraries contain PSBs that refer to GSAM databases, the utilities require information from both the DBD and PSB libraries in the IMS.DBDLIB and the IMS.PSBLIB data sets.
The utility that populates the IMS catalog must be from the same version of IMS as the utility that generated the input ACB members.
The JCL for the DFS3PU00 utility must refer to the appropriate PSBLIBs and DBDLIBs in the IMS ddname.
Unavailability of required DBD or PSB members
If a PSB member that is in your ACB library refers to a GSAM database and either that PSB is not in your PSB library or the referenced GSAM DBD is not in your DBD library, the PSB record is not inserted in the catalog. Similarly, if a PSB member that is in your ACB library refers to a logical database and the logical DBD is not in your DBD library, the PSB record is not inserted in the catalog. In either of these cases, if the PSB member in your ACB library also refers to databases that are neither GSAM nor logical databases, then catalog records for those databases are inserted in the catalog, as long as those databases have members in your ACB library.
You can add the missing catalog records later by supplying the necessary PSB or DBD library and running the utility with the insert-mode catalog PSB DFSCP001 and the same ACB library.
A DBD catalog record is created for a referenced GSAM database only if a PSB catalog record is created for a PSB that refers to both a GSAM database and a non-GSAM database. If a PSB refers only to GSAM databases, no PSB catalog record is created for the PSB.
Multiple input ACB libraries
You can include multiple ACB libraries as input to the utilities that populate the IMS catalog. The data sets for the input ACB libraries can be specified in separate ddnames, in a concatenation for a single ddname, or using a combination of these.
The first or only ddname that you use to specify an ACB library must be IMSACB01. Each additional ddname that you to use to specify an ACB library must be IMSACBnn, where nn is the number from the previous ACB library ddname incremented by one. For example, if you use three ddnames, they must be specified in order as IMSACB01, IMSACB02, and IMSACB03.
When duplicate ACB members are encountered, the duplicates are not processed. The DFS3PU00 utility considers ACB members to be duplicates of each other if both their ACB member names and timestamps are identical. The DFS3PU00 utility does not load data into the catalog from an ACB member that is either a duplicate of another ACB member read as input from another ACB library or of an ACB member from which data has previously been loaded into the IMS catalog. If an input ACB member has the same name as a previously read ACB member, but has a different timestamp, the data from both ACB members is loaded into the IMS catalog.