Updating runtime Fast Path routing code resource and descriptor definitions with the UPDATE command

With dynamic resource definition (DRD) enabled, you can update runtime Fast Path routing code resource and descriptor definitions dynamically, eliminating the requirement to use the online change process or the batch system definition process with an IMS cold start.

If the program is scheduled, the routing code cannot be updated. If the program is scheduled, you must stop the region before you issue the UPDATE RTC command.

Update runtime Fast Path routing code resources and descriptor definitions using the UPDATE RTC and UPDATE RTCDESC commands.


  1. Check for work in progress by using a QRY RTC SHOW(WORK) command. If there is work in progress, either:
    • Wait for the work to finish.
    • Address the work in progress.
    Examples of work in progress include a command in progress for the routing code or an active routing code.
  2. If the application program is running in an IFP region, terminate the program by using a /STOP REGION command.
  3. Issue an UPDATE RTC or UPDATE RTCDESC command, specifying values you want to change for the Fast Path routing code resources or descriptor definitions.
    To update a routing code associated with a Fast Path exclusive FP(E) transaction, you must issue an UPDATE TRAN command. The UPDATE TRAN command updates the transaction definition and the associated routing code definition.

For the details about parameters for the UPDATE and QUERY commands, see IMS Version 15 Commands, Volume 2: IMS Commands N-V.

If you are using the IMSRSC repository or a set of system resource definition data sets (RDDSs) to store your Fast Path routing code resource and descriptor definitions, the routing codes associated with both Fast Path potential FP(P) and FP(E) transactions are maintained in the repository or RDDS.