Logon descriptor format and parameters

Because logon descriptors are built from equivalent TYPE and TERMINAL macros, most definitions of logon descriptor parameters match the parameters found on those macro statements.

Because you do not need to define the maximum number of ETO-ISC sessions, the SESSION keyword is not supported on the ETO descriptor. You can continue to add sessions while storage and CPC capacity exist. The UNIT keyword is valid for non-SNA 3270 terminals only.

Logon descriptor syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramLdescname1ALOT= valueASOT= valueBACKUP= valueCOMPT1= valueCOMPT2= valueCOMPT3= valueCOMPT4= valueEDIT= valueFEAT= valueLCLICON= lcl_imsconnect_nameMODETBL= valueOPTIONS= valueOUTBUF= valuePTRSIZE= valueSEGSIZE= valueUNIT= valueUNITYPE= value
  • 1 Each parameter can be specified only once. Parameters can be specified in any order.

Keyword parameters

Except for the descriptor type, L, and the descriptor name, all keyword parameters are specified in columns 12 through 72.

Specified in column 1, indicates that the descriptor type is logon.
Specified in columns 03-10, the name of the descriptor. Descriptor names can be an IMS default descriptor name, the name of a TERMINAL macro, or a unique name you create.
Default names include:
  • DFS3270
  • DFS327P
  • DFSLU61
Specifies the auto logoff time in minutes. Valid values are 0 and from 10 to 1440. If the ALOT value is not specified, the value from the JCL member is used except for FINANCE, SLU P, and ISC. If ALOT is not specified on the logon descriptor or overridden by the logon exit (DFSLGNX0) for FINANCE, SLU P, and ISC, a value of 1440 is used (the value from the JCL member is ignored).
  • ALOT= 0
    The terminal is logged-off immediately when no signon is in effect. This specification is normally used in terminal sessions when the user is signed-on automatically during the logon process. During autologon, signon data can be provided in one of the following ways:
    • Signon data supplied by the IMS /OPNDST command
    • Signon data supplied by logon userdata (BIND)
    • Signon data supplied by logon exit (DFSLGNX0)

    There are two modes of operation for using ALOT=0, either of which can be set using the DFSINTX0 User Initialization Exit parameter list.

    In default mode, when signon errors are encountered, the session is automatically signed off and then logged off; no message is sent. If you do not supply the DFSINTX0 exit, or you supply the exit and indicate default mode for ALOT=0, then signon data must be supplied during the logon process. All the following error conditions result in automatic logoff:
    1. A non-signon, or errors detected during signon or input processing, result in immediate logoff.
    2. /SIGNOFF results in immediate logoff.
    3. /SIGNON signs off the current user and signs on a new user. However, errors encountered during the signon process, such as detection of an incorrect or expired password, result in immediate logoff.
    Restriction: Default mode should not be used for interactive terminal sessions that require a response to the DFS3649 message; these sessions do not wait for input signon and log off immediately.
    In alternate mode, when signon errors are encountered, the session is automatically signed off, a message is sent, and the session is logged off. Signon data can be supplied but is not required. All the following error conditions result in automatic logoff:
    1. A non-signon error detected during input processing results in immediate logoff.
    2. No signon data has been provided by the logon userdata (BIND) or the Logon Exit (DFSLGNX0).
    3. A /SIGNOFF, or errors resulting from a /SIGNON, cause message DFS3649(A) (Signon Required) to be sent, and a fixed ten-minute timer set to wait for a new signon. If no signon occurs during that interval, then the session is logged off.
  • ALOT=(10-1439)

    The session is terminated after the specified number of minutes have elapsed without a signed-on user.

  • ALOT=1440

    The session is never automatically terminated.

Specifies the auto signoff time, in minutes. Valid values are 0 and from 10 to 1440. You can override this value during signon with the user descriptor. If ASOT is not specified on either the user descriptor, the logon descriptor, or overridden by either the logon (DFSLGNX0) or signon (DFSSGNX0) exits, the value from the JCL member is used except for FINANCE, SLU P, and ISC. If ASOT is not specified on either the user or logon descriptor for FINANCE, SLU P, and ISC, a value of 1440 is used (the value from the JCL member is ignored).
  • ASOT=0

    The user is signed off immediately when no output is available to be sent. ASOT=0 is normally specified when no IMS input or output is available, or after the last available output message completes.

    Restriction: Do not specify ASOT=0 for interactive terminals, for example 3270s or SLU2.

  • ASOT=(10-1439)

    The user is signed off after the specified number of minutes have elapsed without terminal activity, irrespective of message status.

  • ASOT=1440

    The user is never automatically signed off.

Specifies the control of session switching (VTAM®) after takeover. Use only when HSB=YES on the IMSCTRL macro.

This keyword is the same as the BACKUP= keyword in the TYPE macro. See TYPE macro for more information about keyword values.

Where n is 1-4, specifies the first through fourth components of this logon descriptor. This keyword is only valid for the following device types: 3270, FINANCE, SLU 1, SLU P, and LU6.1 (ISC). For UNITYPE=FINANCE, these four keywords are the same as the four operands on the TERMINAL macro's COMPT keyword. The parameters for this keyword are positional. See TERMINAL macro for more information about this keyword for other device types.

COMPT=PTR1 for UNITYPE=3270, UNIT=3275 should be specified as COMPT2=PTR1.

Specifies the name of a user-supplied physical terminal output and input edit routine for the terminals in this communication description set.

This keyword is the same as the EDIT= keyword in the TYPE macro. See TYPE macro for more information about keyword values.

The parameters for this keyword are not positional.

See the description of the FEAT= keyword in TERMINAL macro and TYPE macro for more information about this keyword.


Specifies the local IMS Connect instance that IMS communicates with for the ISC TCP/IP communication. This keyword is supported only when UNITYPE=ISCTCPIP is specified.

For ISC TCP/IP, this keyword identifies the local IMS Connect (IMSCON) member within an IMSplex that this ISCTCPIP terminal connects to via SCI, to establish a connection to the IMSCON within this IMSplex. A lcl_imsconnect_name is a 1 to 8 alphanumeric character name. The first character is alphabetic.

Specifies the name of the VTAM logon mode table entry (logon mode name) that contains the SNA bind parameters to be used when a session is initiated by the MTO or through the /OPNDST command.

This function allows a system definition specification for referencing an entry other than the default entry in the user's VTAM logon mode table. Normally, the terminal operator specifies this mode table entry name when logging on to a terminal; this is not possible, however, from the IMS master terminal because IMS initiates the session.

With this function, if MODETBL= is not specified at system definition, no functional or operational change affects the user.

If MODETBL= is specified at system definition, the specified entry name is used. The MODETBL can be overridden by:
  • The LOGON APPLID entry by the remote terminal operator
  • VARY ACT, LOGON= command by the network terminal operator
  • /OPNDST, /RST, or /CHANGE command by the MTO

The MODETBL= parameter is required for the IMS master terminal if the VTAM default mode table is not configured specifically for the device to be used as the IMS master terminal.

With MODETBL=, you do not need to specify the mode table entry when logging on to terminals that always require specification of the same mode table entry name.

Specifies certain communication options associated with this terminal. Parameters for this keyword are not positional.

The ARNR│NRNR option specifies whether (ARNR) or not (NRNR) IMS should enable Rapid Network Reconnect (RNR) support for ACF/VTAM persistent sessions as defined in the ACF/VTAM APPL statement.

Unless otherwise noted, the communications options described in the OPTIONS= keyword of the TYPE and TERMINAL macros are supported for logon descriptors. See TERMINAL macro and TYPE macro for more information about this keyword.

The following options are not supported for logon descriptors:

NORESP│FORCRESP│TRANRESP can be specified on the user descriptor.

The COPY│NOCOPY option is supported for logon descriptors for dynamic SLU 2 terminals, but not for dynamic non-SNA VTAM 3270s.

Specifies the size of the IMS output buffer to be used for workstations.

This keyword is the same as the OUTBUF= keyword on the TERMINAL macro. See TERMINAL macro for more information about this keyword.

Specifies the number of print positions of the 3284 or 3286 printer. The default is 120.

If PTRSIZE=IGNORE is specified with FEAT=IGNORE in its DEV statement, MFS always uses the device output format (DOF) when editing output for this device. The existing parameters and control block values, including default parameters, are unchanged.

Specifies segment size. Acceptable values are from 256 bytes to 32000 bytes. The default is 256. For information about calculating segment size, see the description of the SEGSIZE= keyword in TERMINAL macro.
Specifies the terminal for the previously defined line group.

This keyword is the same as the UNIT= keyword on the TERMINAL macro. See TERMINAL macro for more information about this keyword.

Specifies the UNITYPE of the terminal. If not specified, a default UNITYPE of SLUTYPE2 is used.

3601 is not a valid UNITYPE.

The following values are valid for the UNITYPE keyword:
  • 3270
  • NTO

Examples of logon descriptors

An example of a logon descriptor is:
Column     Column
1          12

You can use multiple records to create a single descriptor name (for example, if the number of parameters causes the descriptor to exceed one 80-byte record).

The following is an example of a logon descriptor with multiple records: