DFSDFxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set
The DFSDFxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set consolidates the specification of processing options for many different IMS components and functions.
The parameters in the DFSDFxxx member are organized into sections. Each section has a different purpose and begins with a predefined header that identifies the section. Each section supports different parameters and syntax.
- Databases
- DDL options for database resources that are defined by using SQL data definition language (DDL)
- Dynamic database buffer pools
- Dynamic resource definition (DRD)
- Exit routines
- The Fast Path 64-bit buffer manager
- The IMS abend search and notification procedure
- The IMS catalog
- The IMS Common Service Layer (CSL)
- The IMSRSC repository
- The IMS type-2 trace tables
- Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC)
- Shared queues
- Processing options for the IMS Logger
All the sections within the DFSDFxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set are optional. If you include a section for any of the functions, the section must begin with the appropriate predefined header.
A DFSDFxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set consists of one or more fixed-length character records (the configuration data set can be of any LRECL greater than eight, but it must be fixed record format). The rightmost-eight columns are ignored but can be used for sequence numbers or any other notation. Keyword parameters can be specified in the remaining columns in free format, and they can contain leading and trailing blanks. You can specify multiple keywords in each record; use commas or spaces to delimit keywords. Statements that begin with a “*” or “#” in column 1 are comment lines and are ignored. Additionally, comments can be included anywhere within a statement by enclosing them between “ /* ”and “*/”, for example, /* PROCLIB comments */. Values that are specified in this member of the IMS PROCLIB data set are case-sensitive. In general, use uppercase for all parameters.
You can use the IMS Syntax Checker to modify the DFSDFxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.