TSO EXEC command syntax for invoking the IVP start-up CLIST

The following syntax diagram illustrates how to invoke the IVP start-up CLIST using the TSO EXEC command.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramEXEC ' sss.SDFSCLST(DFSIXC01)' 'HLQ( qqq)HLQIV( iii)HLQDL( ddd)HLQSY( sss)DEBUG'
The IMS system (SYS) data sets.
The default is IVPDLB15.
TSO command to run CLISTs and REXX EXECs.
The keyword that identifies the high-level qualifier for the IVP, system, and distribution libraries data set (qqq).
The keyword that identifies the high-level qualifier for the IVP data sets, INSTALIB and INSTATBL (iii).

The default is IVPIVP15.

The keyword that identifies the high-level qualifier for the IMS distribution library (DLB) data sets (ddd).

The default is IVPDLB15.

The keyword that identifies the high-level qualifier for the IMS system (SYS) data sets (sss).

The default is IVPSYS15.

A parameter that sets diagnostic options and causes trace information to be displayed; each line of the ISPF code is displayed as it is processed.