Resource lists for the IMSRSC repository

In addition to stored resource definitions and resource descriptors, the IMSRSC repository also contains resource lists.

A resource list is a list of resource and descriptor names and types that are defined for an IMS system.

The EXPORT DEFN TARGET(REPO) command can define the IMS systems for which the resource definitions must be defined by using the SET(IMSID()) keyword. The resource definitions exported from one IMS system to the repository can be defined as applicable to all IMS systems in the IMSplex or to a given set of IMS systems.

An IMS resource list can be created or updated in the IMSRSC repository when you issue an EXPORT DEFN TARGET(REPO) command with SET(IMSID(imsidlist) or the EXPORT DEFN TARGET(REPO) with the SET(IMSID()) omitted. The EXPORT will also write the resource definitions to the repository. The IMS resource list contains all of the resource names and types owned by an IMS system. There is one IMS resource list per IMS for each resource type in the repository.

If an EXPORT DEFN TARGET(REPO) SET(IMSID(lIMS1,IMS2,IMS3)) is issued, an IMS resource list is created for each IMSids IMS1, IMS2, IMS3 if the IMS resource lists for the IMSids do not exist. If you skip the SET(IMSID()) keyword, the IMSid defaults to the command master IMS and the IMS resource list is created for the command master IMSid if one does not exist.

A resource list is used during an IMS cold start to identify all the resource and descriptor definitions that are to be imported during the cold start. If the IMS resource list does not exist, all the resource names and resource types being exported are added to the newly created IMS resource list. If the IMS resource list exists, newly created resource names and resource types are updated in the existing IMS resource list. The resource list is also used during IMPORT DEFN command processing to identify resources that can be imported by an IMS.

When you issue the EXPORT command with SET(IMSID(*)) all the existing IMS resource lists in the repository are updated with any new resource names and resource types being added. If you issue the very first EXPORT command with SET(IMSID(*)) when the IMSRSC repository is empty it will fail.

You can also check the contents of the repository issuing QUERY DB | DBDESC| PGM | PGMDESC RTC | RTCDESC | TRAN | TRANDESC commands with SHOW(DEFN,GLOBAL) or SHOW(IMSID). If the repository is empty and has no resource definitions the QUERY command will fail.

The IMS QUERY SHOW(IMSID) commands can retrieve the information from the IMS resource lists. The command output returns the list of resource names in each IMS resource list.