IMS Connect default RACF user ID

You can set a default RACF® user ID for IMS Connect to use when the IRM of an input message either does not contain the IRM_RACF_USERID field or the IRM_RACF_USERID field is blank.

When the default RACF user ID is used, IMS Connect passes it in the OMSECUID field of the input message to OTMA. When OTMA security checking is enabled, OTMA uses the RACF user ID for authorizing commands, transactions, and RESUME TPIPE calls with RACF.

When both a default RACF user ID is defined and the IRM_RACF_USERID field of an incoming message is not blank, IMS Connect uses the user ID defined in the IRM_RACF_USERID field.

Define the default RACF user ID in the RACFID parameter of the IMS Connect TCPIP configuration statement.