IMS 15 Transaction Manager continuous delivery functions

IMS 15 Transaction Manager functions are delivered using PTFs as part of the IMS continuous delivery enhancement process and allow you to use new enhancements faster and more frequently.

Table 1. IMS Transaction Manager continuous delivery enhancements
Function description APAR, PTF, and release date IMS version Applicable for batch environments? IMS Tools
OTMA checkpoint statistics enhancement

Two new x'45' statistic record subtypes are added, one for Global OTMA information (x'451A') and one for OTMA Member information (x'451B’). This provides an easier way to track OTMA statistics to aid in fine-tuning the system.


October 2023

15.1 and later No
  • IMS Problem Investigator with APAR PH55496/PTF UI92916
  • IMS Performance Analyzer
IMS ALTPCB enhancement for IMS Connect

IMS introduces a new function, SENDALTP, for IMS Connect customers to obtain an ALTPCB output without issuing Resume TPIPE calls. When IMS receives a commit-then-send send-receive call from IMS Connect, an ALTPCB output triggered by the input transaction can be sent back to the initiating IMS Connect client by using the input TPIPE name.

PH39434/UI83360, PH39438/UI83364

November 2022

15.1 and later No Not impacted
Language Environment enhancement for 31-bit COBOL and 64-bit Java interoperability

You can enable interoperability between 31-bit COBOL code and 64-bit Java™ code by adding value JVM=3164 to an IMS dependent region's parameter list, installing required software, and configuring the dependent region. Supported dependent region types include MPR, BMP, IFP, JBP, and JMP.


November 2021

15.1 and later No Not impacted
Static VTAM transaction output security enhancement

Static VTAM® terminals are enhanced with the ability to apply transaction output security checks to prevent unauthorized accesses from different users to transaction outputs. With this enhancement, you can enable output security for static VTAM terminals by specifying an optional parameter STATICOUTSEC in the DFSDCxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.

PH24997/UI70314, UI70315

July 2020

15.1 and later No Not impacted
OTMA lightweight transaction pipe enhancement

The OTMA lightweight transaction pipe enhancement improves the flood control of OTMA transaction pipes (tpipes). By using the OTMA lightweight tpipe function, IMS reduces the storage for each tpipe by dynamically allocating the associated ITASKs and other tpipe related storage only when they are needed.

PH17832/UI68699, UI68700

April 2020

15.1 and later No Not impacted
Enhancement for the processing of OTMA commit-then-send messages in shared-queues environments

A new OTMA ITASK DFSYDAD0 is created through OID TCB to separately process OTMA commit-then-send back-end messages in a shared queues environment. As a result, the main OTMA ITASK DFSYMOM0 can focus on other important jobs.


September 2019

15.1 and later No Not impacted
MFS sign-on format support for RACF password phrases

You can use MFS for RACF® password phrases that are up to 100 characters long and that are submitted from 3270 and SLU 2 devices through DFS3649A or DFS3656A.

PH09313/UI64359, UI64360

July 2019

15.1 and later No

IMS Extended Terminal Option Support 3.2: PH14600/UI64580

Others: Not impacted

OTMA ACEE flood control enhancement

With this enhancement, you can enable OTMA ACEE flood control in the DFSOTMA descriptor of the DFSYDTx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set. When enabled, you limit the number of RACF user IDs, which in turn limits the number of ACEEs that are cached by OTMA and prevents virtual storage in the IMS control region from running out.

PI81171/UI62316, UI62317

April 2019

15.1 and later No Not impacted
Reduce LUMP storage for OTMA commit-then-send messages enhancement

OTMA is enhanced to reduce the amount of storage that is allocated in LU 6.2 device manager private buffer pools and OTMA for commit-then-send (CM0) I/O PCB output messages.


March 2019

15.1 and later No Not impacted
OTMA conversational transaction timeout enhancement

You can configure IMS Open Transaction Manager Access (OTMA) to end conversational transactions and remove from storage the control blocks associated with those transactions if the transaction is inactive for a specified period of time.


February 2019

15.1 and later No Not impacted

Tpipe processing

You can split OTMA client's ACK/NAK messages to a new IMS ITASK to avoid delay for tpipe processing.


August 2018

15.1 and later No Not impacted
OTMA transaction pipe cleanup enhancement

An OTMA tpipe is deleted after it has been idle across three consecutive system checkpoints, even if other tpipes associated with the same tmember are being used. Consequently, idle OTMA tpipes are made available more quickly to process subsequent transactions on the IMS message queue, and IMS storage space is less likely to become flooded.

PI88409/UI54735, UI54736

April 2018

15.1 and later No Not impacted

IMS ICAL processing

IMS ICAL processing for synchronous program switch needs to support the DFSMSCE0 exit for workload router processing.


January 2018

15.1 and later No Not impacted