OSAM buffer pool compatibility definition

The OSAM buffer pool consists of one or more subpools that are defined using IOBF parameter statements. These statements are required in a DB/DC environment. Default member DFSVSM00 is used if the VSPEC parameter is not coded, but these statements are optional in a batch environment.

Omitting IOBF statements in a batch environment causes the OSAM subpools to be generated based on the following factors:

The BUF= parameter specifies the size of the OSAM buffer pool that is to be used in the subpool compatibility definition calculations. The size specified by the BUF= parameter does not necessarily define the actual size of the buffer pool. The specified size influences the eventual buffer pool size.

The buffer pool is generated as follows:

Example: The BUF= parameter is specified as 10 KB. A scan of the loaded DMBs and the block size required by the OSAM DCBs indicates two subpools are required: one with 1 KB buffers, and one with 4 KB buffers. If each subpool has the minimum number of buffers, the total storage for the buffer pool is 20 KB. The size specified (by BUF=) is 10 000 bytes. To support all requests, the subpool having 4 KB buffers must be allocated. The subpool with 1 KB buffers is not allocated. The buffer pool is allocated having one subpool with four 4 KB buffers. The size is 16 KB (plus control areas), even though 10 000 bytes are specified.