Selecting an IVP phase and positioning option
Select an IVP phase and choose to start or restart from either the beginning of an IVP phase or from the last known location within a phase.
The following figure shows the IVP Phase Selection panel of the IVP dialog.
IVP IVP Phase Selection - XRF IMS 15.1
Select the desired Phase and positioning option and press ENTER
1_ 1. Variable Export Utility (Export variables to a data set)
VG - Variable Gathering-(Define user values for variables)
2. VG1 Start/Restart from the beginning of the phase
3. VG2 Start/Restart from the last known position within the phase
FT - File Tailoring - (Create customized INSTALIB members)
4. FT1 Start/Restart from the beginning of the phase
5. FT2 Start/Restart from the last known position within the phase
6. FT3 Start/Restart from the beginning of a selected step
EX - Execution - (Run the IVP jobs)
7. EX1 Start/Restart from the beginning of the phase
8. EX2 Start/Restart from the last known position within the phase
9. EX3 Start/Restart from the beginning of a selected step
- The dialog always preselects a default. If you just completed the initialization phase, the default is to start from the beginning of the variable gathering phase. You can override the dialog's selection with your own by typing over the default selection.
- You must perform the variable gathering, file tailoring, and execution phases in sequence. However, you can exit from each phase and return to the IVP Phase Selection panel to select the next phase or return to a prior phase.
To select an IVP phase and position within a phase, in the IVP Phase Selection panel, type the number that is associated with the phase and location that you want to execute.
If you make an invalid phase selection, a notification panel opens to inform you of the error. Press Enter to return to the Phase Selection panel and type the appropriate selection.