LGMSGSZ= parameter for procedures

Use the LGMSGSZ= parameter in procedure to specify a 1- to 5-digit number that represents the size in bytes of a long message record. The length specified is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 4.

Restriction: The length must be greater than or equal to the length specified for the short message record or one and one-half times the maximum message prefix size plus 4. If you specify a value less than the short message record length or one and one-half times the maximum prefix size plus 4, the length of the large message size is set to the greater value between the large message DCB LRECL length, the short message size, or one and one-half times the maximum message prefix size plus 4. The length of the long message record cannot exceed 30632 bytes. If you specify a value greater than 30632, the size is set to 30632. The LGMSGSZ parameter value must be less than or equal to OLDS data set blocksize - 96, larger values will result in user abend U0073.

This parameter is valid only in the shared-queues environment. If you specify a value for the SHAREDQ= parameter, but not for the LGMSGSZ= parameter, the size of the long message record is obtained from whichever is greater: the DCB generated for the long message queue data set or the short message record length.