When IMS reroutes commit-then-send output

If the reroute function is specified, IMS reroutes commit-then-send (CM0) output only in certain circumstances.

When the reroute function is specified, IMS reroutes commit-then-send (CM0) output if:
  • IMS Connect cannot deliver the output to the client application.
  • IMS Connect receives a NAK response from the client application.
  • OTMA cannot deliver the output to IMS Connect.
  • IMS inserts output for send-only transactions to the IOPCB.

When IMS Connect cannot deliver the output or when IMS Connect receives a NAK response, IMS Connect notifies OTMA to reroute the output message to the alternate destination.

In the case of a NAK response from the client application, OTMA reroutes the output if the NAK is in response to an IMS application insert to the IOPCB. If the NAK is in response to the output related to a RESUME TPIPE call, IMS does not reroute the output.

In the event of a communication failure between OTMA and IMS Connect, OTMA reroutes the commit-then-send output only if the original input message requested the reroute function.

For send-only transactions, when the reroute function is specified OTMA always reroutes the output.

If IMS Connect receives a disconnect notification on the TCP/IP READ for an ACK or NAK response to an output message, IMS Connect requests that OTMA reroute the CM0 output only if the input message specified the reroute function. If the client disconnects or times out prior to IMS Connect receiving the output message from OTMA, the CM0 output message is rerouted only if the input message specified the reroute function.