Specifying macros for Multiple Systems Coupling

You can use the MSLINK, MSNAME, MSPLINK, and NAME macros to define Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC).

If you plan to use MSC, you must prepare one set of MSC macro statements to describe the additional data communication facilities.

Although Intersystem Communication (ISC) is part of MSC, the macro statements that are used to define ISC are included in the VTAM® macro set and not in the MSC macro set.

You must enter the macro sets in the order specified in your IMS system stage 1 system definition input deck. IMS issues stage 1 output warning messages and does not complete system definition if the macro sets are not entered in this order.

When you use MSC in your IMS system, the non-VTAM device macro sets (if used) must precede the MSC macro set in your IMS system definition stage 1 input deck. The VTAM macro set (if used) must occur after the MSC macro set in the stage 1 input deck. The following table lists macros for Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC).

Table 1. MSC data communication macros
Macro Number of macros coded Purpose
MSLINK One for each logical system-to-system link Defines a logical link to another system.
MSNAME One for each remote and local system identification Defines the link name block that relates to the MSLINK statement and the corresponding remote and local system identifications.
MSPLINK One for each physical link Defines a physical link to another system in an IMS MSC configuration.
NAME One or more for each logical terminal that is referenced by your IMS system Provides the logical terminal name for a physical terminal that is part of the remote system specified in the MSNAME statement.

You can use the UPDATE commands to alter any of the MSC values that have been defined in the macros.