Installing a type-2 IMS Universal Database resource adapter on WebSphere Application Server for z/OS

After you configure WebSphere Application Server for z/OS to have access to IMS databases, you must install the type-2 IMS Universal Database resource adapter on WebSphere Application Server for z/OS.

  1. Perform the steps described in Configuring WebSphere Application Server for EJB development with the IMS Universal drivers.
  2. Copy the RAR files for the IMS Universal drivers to storage that is accessible to WebSphere Application Server for z/OS.
  3. If not already done, create an ODBA startup table. The ODBA startup table module name can be from 5 to 8 bytes long and must conform to the following naming convention:
    • Bytes 1-3 must be DFS
    • Bytes 4-7 are the 1- to 4-byte ID
    • The final byte must be the character number 0

    For example, both DFS10 and DFSIMSA0 are valid module names for an ODBA startup table.

    Recommendation: Use the IMS ID as the 1- to 4-byte ID.
  4. If not already done, link the ODBA startup table into a load library.
  5. Update the JCL for WebSphere Application Server for z/OS by adding to the STEPLIB the following data sets:
    • The load library that contains the ODBA startup table and the ODBA runtime code.
    • The SDFSJLIB data set. This data set contains the DFSCLIB member.
  6. Note the ODBA name, which is defined by the MBR parameter. You will need to know bytes 4-7, which are usually the IMS system ID, when you install the data source.

To install the type-2 IMS Universal Database resource adapter:


  1. In the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS administrative console, click Resources > Resource Adapters > Resource Adapters.
    A list of resource adapters is displayed.
  2. Click Install RAR.
    A panel is displayed for installing the resource adapter.
  3. In the Install RAR panel:
    • Under Scope, select a node
    • Under Path, enter the path to the RAR file or locate the RAR file by clicking the Browse button
  4. Click Next.
    A configuration panel opens.
  5. In the Configuration panel under General properties > Native library path, enter the path to the directory that contains the file and click OK.

    The file must have the proper read and execute permissions in Unix Systems Services. Also the SDFSJLIB must be included in the STEPLIB for the WebSphere servant region.

    After you click OK, the IMS Universal Database resource adapter that you installed is listed.

  6. In the messages box, click Save.
    A page is displayed that asks you if you want to synchronize the changes with the nodes.
  7. Click OK to update the master repository with your changes.