Output data descriptor FM header

On output from IMS, the data descriptor FM header is used to send a data structure name and version ID or the output field tab separator character if OFTAB= parameter of the DIV or the DPAGE statement is specified.

It is sent in the only transmission chain of a nonpaged output message or in each transmission chain of a paged output message. For a nondemand-paged message (OPTIONS=MSG), this header follows the ATTACH or SCHEDULER FM header. For an autopaged message, this header follows the ATTACH or SCHEDULER FM header and precedes the data for the first logical or presentation page. The data descriptor FM header precedes the data for each additional page of output and is the only FM header in the transmission chain. For demand-paged output, this header follows the QFXR header. The version ID is sent only once for each message in the first or only FM header for the output message. Additionally, if OFTAB is specified and OPTIONS=DNM is requested, the output field tab separator character used for the current transmission is included in the FM header. If OPTIONS=NODNM is specified, a data descriptor FM header is not sent, regardless of whether OFTAB has been defined or not.