Customizing the IMS abend search and notification email

You can customize the email notification that is sent, adding a specific URL link, by modifying both the URLS and the SYSUT1 members.

You can access and modify the members by doing one of the following:

  • Running the setup panel, which displays the customizable members in sequence for editing.
  • Directly accessing the members in ISPF in the Runtime partitioned data set using the names specified in the setup panel.

To create a link to be inserted into the SYSUT1 member, modify the URLS member:


  1. Access the URLS member. The URLS member is the second member in sequence from setup panel.
  2. Insert the link using the following format:
    *This is a new link
    A sample is shown in the figure below.

    The first line, which is preceded with an asterisk (*), is a comment line. Following the comment line is the name of the link, preceded with #. The name can be up to eight alphanumeric characters, including the #. Following the link name is the URL link to be associated with the name.

    Optionally, you can specify a conditional statement, by specifying #PARM=(value1,value2,...). Use the following syntax:
    • Specify a comma after the name to separate the name and the conditional statement.
    • Following the comma, specify a parameter that exists in your particular customization, preceded with #.
    • Following the parameter, specify "=" or "!=" depending on if you want to check for equality or inequality.
    • Following the "=" sign or "!=", specify one or a set of values to be checked for the specified parameter, enclosed within parentheses.

      A value cannot exceed 20 characters.

      If you have multiple URLs with the same name, the foremost URL that satisfies the conditional statement is mapped into the formatted email.

      For equality, if any of the value matches a part of the parameter's value, the conditional statement is satisfied. For inequality, if none of the value matches a part of the parameter's value, the conditional statement is satisfied.

This creates a link that can be inserted into the SYSUT1 member to become part of the IMS ASN email

This link replaces any occurrence of the link name that exists in the SYSUT1 member, if no PARM conditions are specified or if the PARM conditions are satisfied. An example of how to insert the name into the SYSUT1 member is in the figure below.

Figure 2. HTML formatting using the URSL member
   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 EDIT       KINLAU.IASN.SDFSIASN(DFSIAEML) - 01.02          Columns 00001 00072 
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> HALF 
 000204       <li>                                                              
 000205 <a href="                                                               
 000206 #GENURL                                                                 
 000207 ">General search results for #GEN                                       
 000208 </a></li>                                                               
 000209 %GEN                                                                    
 000210     </ul></font>                                                        
 000211     </td></tr></table>                                                  
 000212     </td>                                                               
 000213   </tr>                                                                 
 000214   <tr>                                                                  
 000215     <td width="375">                                                    
 000216     <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><tr><td>          
 000217     <font size="-2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">       
 000218     <a href="                                                           
 000219     #PSPURL                                                             
 000220     ">Search the                                                        
 000221     Preventative Maintenance Planning (PSP) Database</a>                
 000222     for specific installation tips, high impact or pervasive problems   
 000223     and service recommendations.</font><br>                             

To add a link in the email using the SYSUT1 member:

  1. Access the SYSUT1 member. The SYSUT1 member is the third member in sequence from the setup panel and follows the URLS member.
  2. Scroll down to the text and HTML sections. These two sections are marked by Content-Type: text/plain and Content-Type: text/html, respectively.
  3. Add the following text in the text section.
    9. This is a new link
  4. Add the HTML syntax in the HTML section. You must follow HTML syntax rules in the HTML section.
    <a href="
    ">This is a new link.
    In the HTML section, the name of the link #NEWURL must be on a line by itself.

This creates a link at the bottom of the list in each IMS ASN email.

Figure 3. Adding an email link in the IMS Abend Search and Notification panel using the SYSUT1 member
   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 EDIT       KINLAU.IASN.SDFSIASN(DFSIAEML) - 01.01          Columns 00001 00072 
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> HALF 
 000079 8. General search results for #GEN                                      
 000080 #GENURL                                                                 
 000081 %GEN                                                                    
 000083 9. This is a new link                                                   
 000084 #NEWURL                                                                 
 000086 ----------------------------------------------------------------------  
 000088 Search the Preventative Maintenance Planning (PSP) Database             
 000089 #PSPURL                                                                 
 000090 for specific installation tips, high impact or pervasive                
 000091 problems and service recommendations.                                   
 000093 Can't find an answer?                                                   
 000094 Contact our support team at:                                            
 000097 Looking for fixes?           
Figure 4. HTML formatting using the SYSUT1 member
  File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
EDIT       KINLAU.IASN.SDFSIASN(DFSIAEML) - 01.01          Columns 00001 00072 
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> HALF 
000204       <li>                                                              
000205 <a href="                                                               
000206 #GENURL                                                                 
000207 ">General search results for #GEN                                       
000208 </a></li>                                                               
000209 %GEN                                                                    
000210       <li>                                                              
000211 <a href="                                                               
000212 #NEWURL                                                                 
000213 ">This is a new link.                                                   
000214 </a></li>                                                               
000215     </ul></font>                                                        
000216     </td></tr></table>                                                  
000217     </td>                                                               
000218   </tr>                                                                 
000219   <tr>                                                                  
000220     <td width="375">                                                    
000221     <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><tr><td>          
000222     <font size="-2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">       
000223     <a href="                                                           