/SIGN support for ETO STSN devices: ISC, Finance, and SLU P

For ETO STSN devices, user data is required at the time that the session is allocated to create the user structure.

After the user structures are created and allocated to the terminal, /SIGN commands are accepted from ETO STSN terminals.

When you issue the /SIGN command from an ETO STSN terminal, IMS initiates a complete signon process to create the security profile associated with the session for the new user.

When the user signs off, the user's security profile is deleted, leaving the session without any security. RACF® rejects all access to RACF-protected resources. The DFS3662 message is displayed if the failing resource is a command. The DFS2469 message is displayed if the failing resource is a transaction. When a user signs on to an STSN device, the same user structure allocated during session allocation is used for the new user. IMS updates the security profile of the session and stores the signon information.

The user ID of a user that is signing on to an ETO Finance, SLU-P, or ISC device with a /SIGN command is a different name from that of the user structure name. Such users do not require suffixing by the Signon exit routine (DFSSGNX0) in order to support multiple signons, because the user structure for these devices was already created during the session initiation.

Restriction: Because the user structure allocated to a Finance, SLU-P, or ISC device cannot be changed, most of the options available to the Signon exit routine are not supported, and the work areas are not passed to the Signon exit routine.

The DFS3650 message is displayed after a signon, and the DFS058 message is displayed after signoff. The user field in the DFS3650 message reflects the user structure's name rather than the RACF user ID. This is the same as for any other ETO terminal.

Restriction: Issuing the /SIGN command from STSN output-only devices is not allowed.