Specifying asynchronous delivery of program-to-program switch output messages

If you are using send-then-commit (CM1) messages that initiate multiple program-to-program switches, to ensure that only the appropriate output is returned to the OTMA client in synchronous CM1 mode, specify OTMAASY=Y.

When OTMAASY=Y is specified, if an input transaction triggers multiple program-to-program switches, only the response transaction is scheduled by OTMA synchronously.

Non-response transactions that originate from a program-to-program switch are scheduled asynchronously, regardless of whether they are returned to the client before the expected synchronous output. IMS does not issue DFS2082 messages for transactions that are scheduled asynchronously.

When transactions are scheduled asynchronously, IMS does not issue DFS2082 messages.

When OTMAASY=N is specified, or the OTMAASY parameter is omitted, if any output from a program-to-program switch is returned before the expected synchronous output, errors can occur.

When OTMAASY=S is specified, if an input transaction triggers multiple program-to-program switches, only the first transaction originating from a program-to-program switch that was performed through ISRT to a ALTPCB (if non-Express) is scheduled by OTMA synchronously.