Deleting runtime transaction resource and descriptor definitions with the DELETE command

With dynamic resource definition (DRD) enabled, you can delete runtime resource and resource descriptors dynamically, eliminating the need to use the online change process or the batch system definition process with an IMS cold start.

Delete runtime transaction resource and descriptor definitions using the DELETE TRAN and DELETE TRANDESC commands.


  1. Check for work in progress with a QRY TRAN SHOW(WORK) command and either:
    • Wait for the work to finish.
    • Address the work in progress.
    Examples of work include a command in progress for the transaction, or the transaction is either scheduled, in conversation, or suspended.
  2. To wait for the work in progress to complete, issue either a /PURGE TRAN or UPDATE TRAN STOP(Q) command to stop the transaction from being queued, but to allow existing queued messages to be processed.
  3. If you do not want to wait for the work in progress to complete, or if the transaction is a WFI transaction, stop the transaction by using a /STOP TRAN or UPDATE TRAN STOP(SCHD,Q) command.
    If you are stopping the transaction in a non-shared queues environment, no messages can be queued for the transaction. To dequeue messages for the transaction, issue the QUEUE TRAN OPTION(DEQALL) command.
  4. The next step can vary depending on where the transaction is running.
    • If the transaction is running in a PWFI=Y MPP region, stop the transaction by using a /STOP TRAN or UPDATE TRAN STOP(SCHD,Q) command. If you are stopping the transaction in a non-shared queues environment, no messages can be queued for the transaction. To dequeue messages for the transaction, issue the QUEUE TRAN OPTION(DEQALL) command.
    • If the transaction is running in an IFP region, terminate the program by issuing a /STOP REGION command.
    • If the transaction is a non-WFI transaction running in a message-driven BMP, either wait for the program to finish, or terminate the program by issuing a /STOP REGION command.
    • If the transaction is a WFI transaction running in a message-driven BMP, terminate the program by issuing a /STOP REGION command.
  5. If the transaction has messages on the suspend queue and you are running in a non-shared queues environment, you must either process the messages on the suspend queue or delete the messages. To delete the messages on the suspend queue:
    1. Stop the transaction by issuing a /STOP TRAN or UPDATE TRAN STOP(SCHD) command.
    2. Move the messages to the ready queue by issuing a /DEQ SUSPEND or UPDATE TRAN START(SUSPEND) command.
    3. After the messages are on the ready queue, delete them by issuing a QUEUE TRAN OPTION(DEQALL) command.
  6. Issue the DELETE TRAN or DELETE TRANDESC command to delete the transaction resource or descriptor definition, respectively.