Migrating a DRD-enabled IMS system that uses an RDDS to a new release
To migrate a DRD-enabled IMS system using Resource Definition Data Sets (RDDSs) to a new release of IMS, the resource and descriptor definitions for the current IMS must be migrated to a system RDDS used by the new IMS.
There are multiple ways to migrate resource and descriptor definitions from the current system to a system RDDS used by the new IMS.
Option 1
- Create a non-system RDDS that contains the resource and descriptor definitions from your current
IMS. Use any of the following methods to
create this RDDS:
- Run the Create RDDS from the Log Records utility (DFSURCL0).
- Run the Create RDDS from the MODBLKS utility (DFSURCM0).
- Run the DRD IMS SYSGEN stage 1 pre-parser utility (DFSURST0).
- Run the Copy RDDS utility (DFSURCP0).
- Use the EXPORT command if the current IMS is still up.
- Allocate empty system RDDS data sets for the new IMS.
- Cold start the new IMS without importing any resource definitions. This can be done by cold starting IMS with empty system RDDS data sets and no MODBLKS data sets defined. Bring up the new IMS system including the Common Service Layer (CSL) address spaces (SCI, OM, and potentially RM).
- Once the new IMS is up, use the IMPORT command to import the resource and descriptor definitions from the non-system RDDS created in step 1.
- Export the resource and descriptor definitions to a system RDDS used by the new IMS using either of the following methods:
- Issue the EXPORT command to export the resource and descriptor definitions to a system RDDS.
- If AUTOEXPORT=AUTO or RDDS is specified in the DYNAMIC_RESOURCES section of the DFSDFxxx member, issue the /CHE command to export the resource and descriptor definitions to a system RDDS.
Option 2
- Run the RDDS Extraction utility (DFSURDD0) to convert the stored resource and descriptor definitions in the system RDDS used by the current IMS to IMS type-2 CREATE commands.
- Allocate empty system RDDS data sets for the new IMS.
- Cold start the new IMS without importing any resource definitions. This can be done by cold starting IMS with empty system RDDS data sets and no MODBLKS data sets defined. Bring up the new IMS system including the Common Service Layer (CSL) address spaces (SCI, OM, and potentially RM).
- Use the Batch SPOC utility (CSLUSPOC) to submit the CREATE commands generated in step 1.
- Export the resource and descriptor definitions to a system RDDS used by the new IMS using either of the following methods:
- Issue the EXPORT command to export the resource and descriptor definitions to a system RDDS.
- If AUTOEXPORT=AUTO or RDDS is specified in the DYNAMIC_RESOURCES section of the DFSDFxxx member, issue the /CHE command to export the resource and descriptor definitions to a system RDDS.