Converting resource definitions into IMS stage 1 macro statements or IMS type-2 CREATE commands

After you create resource definitions and export them to a resource definition data set (RDDS), you can use the RDDS Extraction utility (DFSURDD0) to convert the resource definitions that are in the RDDS into either IMS stage 1 macro statements, or IMS type-2 CREATE commands.

If you want to convert the resource definitions in an IMSRSC repository into IMS stage 1 macro statements or IMS type-2 CREATE commands, first use the Repository to RDDS utility (CSLURP20) to generate an RDDS from a repository.

You can convert the resource definitions into IMS stage 1 APPLCTN, DATABASE, RTCODE, and TRANSACT macro statements.

The type-2 CREATE commands into which you can convert the resource definitions include:

For additional information about the Resource Definition Data Set (RDDS) Extraction utility, see IMS Version 15 System Utilities.