Provision IMS resources with z/OSMF

You can quickly provision IMS resources, such IMS DB/TM systems or Fast Path DEDB databases, in z/OS® by using the IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) workflows that are available for download from GitHub.

IMS provides workflows for IMS resources via GitHub. After you download the workflows and make them available to z/OSMF in your z/OS environment, you can easily provision IMS resources.

If the Cloud Provisioning feature of z/OSMF is enabled, you can create templates from the workflows that can be used to provision IMS resources in IBM Z® environments in a cloud.

The .zip file for each resource type includes the readme file, and the XML and properties files that make up a workflow.

You can download the .zip file for each available resource workflow from GitHub at IMS-zOSMF-Workflows.

You can find the documentation for z/OSMF z/OSMF and the Cloud Provisioning feature at z/OS: IBM z/OS Management Facility.