Defining VTAM nodes

The local node names are also added into SYS1.VTAMLST.

You need to take special care that the exact terminal names used in the IMS system definition are repeated in the local list members of that data set. Other characteristics of the terminal are specified in the VTAM® entries, and you must ensure that no inconsistencies exist between IMS and VTAM parameters. Associated with the node name are:

  • The use of program function keys or selector pen
  • Keyboard characteristics
  • Screen sizes
  • Model number
  • LU type
  • Transmission service level

IMS verifies screen size, model, LU type, and transmission service for dynamic terminals. If these are not correct, a session is not established.

Recommendation: If you are a DC administrator, assure that the VTAM definitions are correct. These definitions are used to select ETO descriptors and MFS format characteristics. IMS system definition sets these definitions for static terminals and ignores VTAM definitions.