The Keyword Display panel of the IMS Syntax Checker displays the keywords and
their values and indicates whether syntax errors exist.
The Keyword Display panel, shown in the following figure,
is the main working panel. It displays the keywords and their values
and indicates any errors.
Figure 1. Keyword Display panel
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IMS 12.1 Parameters for DB/DC
Command ===>
Member DFSPBSYN processed under IMS 12.1 (DB/DC )
Press enter (without other input) to check for errors.
IMS Release . . . : 12.1
Sel Codes: C = Comment D = Delete I = Insert P = Process / = Select
Sel Keyword Value Description
_ ALOT = 9 ETO Auto Logon Off Time
_ AOIS = A ICMD Security Option
_ APPC = Y Activate APPC/IMS (Y|N)
_ APPLID2 = IMS2 VTAM Applid of XRF Alternate System
_ ARC = 99 Automatic Archive: 1-99, 0 - NOT Autom.
_ ASOT = 1000 ETO Auto Signoff Time
_ AUTO = Y Automatic Restart Desired (Y|N)
_ CHTS = 1000 Obsolete keyword
_ CMDMCS = N MCS/EMCS Command Option
_ DBBF = 1000 Number of Database Buffers
_ DBFX = 10 Num. DB Buffs available at FP Reg Start
_ DBRCNM = DBCPROC DBRC Problib Member Name