IMS Transaction Manager Resource Adapter overview
The IBM® IMS Transaction Manager Resource Adapter (also known as the IMS TM resource adapter) is used by Java™ applications, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE, previously known as J2EE) applications or web services to access IMS transactions that are running on host IMS systems.
The IMS TM resource adapter implements the Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA), which connects enterprise information systems (EISs) such as IMS to the Java EE platform. JCA provides your applications with the qualities of service that can be provided by a Java EE application server, such as connection management, transaction management, and security management. In addition, the IMS TM resource adapter implements the JCA Common Client Interface (CCI), a programming interface that you use in your application to communicate with IMS Transaction Manager.
The IMS TM resource adapter can be used with any generic Java EE 1.4 or later application server, such as IBM WebSphere® Application Server and IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile. The IMS TM resource adapter can also enable a Java application to access IMS transactions that are running on a host IMS system. In addition, the IMS TM resource adapter enables an IMS application to act as a client to invoke applications in a Java EE server.
Although the IMS TM resource adapter is intended for use primarily by Java applications or web services that submit transactions to IMS, the IMS TM resource adapter can also be used by services that submit IMS commands to IMS or for IMS applications to invoke external Java EE applications.