CHKP (symbolic) call

A symbolic Checkpoint (CHKP) call is used for recovery purposes. If you use the symbolic Checkpoint call in your program, you also must use the XRST call.

The ODBA interface does not support this call.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-CHKP--+-i/o pcb-+--i/o area length--i/o area----------------->

   | .-------------------. |   
   | V                   | |   
   '---area length--area-+-'   

Call Name DB/DC DBCTL DCCTL DB Batch TM Batch


i/o pcb
Specifies the I/O PCB for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. A symbolic CHKP call must refer to the I/O PCB.
Specifies the AIB for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. These fields must be initialized in the AIB:
Eye catcher. This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIB lengths. This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
Resource name. This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name, IOPCBbbb.
I/O area length. This field must contain the length of the I/O area specified in the call list.
i/o area length
This parameter is no longer used by IMS™. For compatibility reasons, this parameter must be included in the call, and it must contain a valid address. You can get a valid address by specifying the name of any area in your program.
i/o area
Specifies the I/O area in your program that contains the 8-byte ID for this checkpoint. This parameter is an input parameter. If the program is a message-driven BMP, the CHKP call implicitly returns the next input message into this I/O area. Therefore, the area must be large enough to hold the longest returned message.
area length
Specifies a 4-byte field in your program that contains the length (in binary) of the area to checkpoint. This parameter is an input parameter. You can specify up to seven area lengths. For each area length, you must also specify the area parameter. All seven area parameters (and corresponding length parameters) are optional. When you restart the program, IMS restores only the areas you specified in the CHKP call.
Specifies the area in your program that you want IMS to checkpoint. This parameter is an input parameter. You can specify up to seven areas. Each area specified must be preceded by an area length parameter.


The symbolic CHKP call commits the changes your program has made to the database and establishes places in your program from which you can restart your program, if it terminates abnormally. In addition, the CHKP call:

  • Works with the Extended Restart (XRST) call to restart your program if it terminates abnormally
  • Enables you to save as many as seven data areas in your program, which are restored when your program is restarted

An XRST call is required before a CHKP call to indicate to IMS that symbolic check points are being taken.


The Symbolic CHKP call is allowed only from batch and BMP applications.