IMS Tools and data set encryption support

This topic provides the minimum maintenance required for IMS Tools to support data set encryption for IMS data sets.

In this topic, the following abbreviations are used:
NA = Not Applicable
The product does not have function that is impacted by data set encryption.
SI = Supported when Supported by IMS
The product supports data set encryption that is supported by IMS. No changes to the product are needed.
SC = Supported with Product Changes
The product supports data set encryption that is supported by IMS. Changes to the product are required. The required PTFs are listed. Review each PTF for details.
SP = Support Pending
The product does not yet support data set encryption, but will in the future. This page will be updated when the PTF is available.
Asterisk (*)
Indicates that the component or stand-alone product is also included as a component in one or more of the solution packs.

The data is current as of 19 September 2023.

  • This list is for IMS Tools maintenance only, and does not include other IMS for z/OS® maintenance that might be required.
  • If a prior release of a product is not listed in the matrix, it does not support data set encryption.
  • Information in this table related to OSAM data set encryption applies if you convert an OSAM data set to a VSAM linear data set, regardless of whether the data set is actually encrypted.
Table 1. Data set encryption support
IMS Tools VRM VSAM data set encryption support Comments: VSAM data sets PTFs: VSAM support OSAM data set encryption support Comments: OSAM data sets PTFs: OSAM support
Common Services Library 1.1.1 NA - - NA - -
DB/DC Data Dictionary 1.6.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Tools Base 1.7.0 NA - - SI - -
Transaction Analysis Workbench 1.3.0 NA - - NA - -
1.2.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Administration Tool* 1.1.0 SC - UI63459 SC - UI67469
IMS Application Development Facility II 2.2.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Batch Terminal Simulator 4.1.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Buffer Pool Analyzer 1.4.0 NA - - SI - -
IMS Cloning Tool 1.2.0 SI - - SC - UI71990
IMS Command Control Facility 2.2.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Configuration Manager* 2.3.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Connect Extensions* 3.1.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Database Recovery Facility* - SI Supported in IMS Recovery Solution Pack 2.1 - SI Supported in IMS Recovery Solution Pack 2.1 -
IMS Database Recovery Facility Extended Functions* - SI Supported in IMS Recovery Solution Pack 2.1 - SI Supported in IMS Recovery Solution Pack 2.1 -
IMS Database Reorganization Expert* 4.1.0 SC - UI63552 SC - UI71632



IMS Database Repair Facility (component of IMS HP Pointer Checker and IMS Fast Path Solution pack) 3.1.0 SI - - SC UI83895 -
IMS Database Solution Pack 2.2.0 SC PTFs are required only for the stand-alone products in the pack - SP PTFs are required only for the stand-alone products in the pack -
IMS Database Utility Solution 2.1.0 SC PTFs are required only for the stand-alone products in the pack - SP PTFs are required for the stand-alone products in the pack -
IMS DEDB Fast Recovery 2.2.0 SC - UI45309 NA - -
IMS Extended Terminal Option Support* 3.2.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Fast Path Solution Pack 2.1.0 SI

See Note 1

All Fast Path utilities.

PTFs are also required for stand-alone products in the pack.

- NA - -
IMS High Availability Large Database (HALDB) Toolkit* - SC - UI63696


SC - UI73053
IMS High Performance Change Accumulation* - SI Supported in IMS Recovery Solution Pack 2.1 - SI Supported in IMS Recovery Solution Pack 2.1 -
IMS High Performance Image Copy* 4.2.0 SC - UI64516 SP Includes use with IMS Database Recovery Facility. An additional PTF will be required for the Database Sensor option. UI68712



IMS High Performance Load* 2.1.0 SC - UI59951 SC - UI70304



IMS High Performance Pointer Checker* 3.1.0 SI

See Note 1

- - SP

See Note 1

Additional PTF will be required for use with IMS Database Recovery Facility UI68663



IMS High Performance Prefix Resolution* 3.1.0 SI - - SC - UI71805
IMS High Performance System Generation Tools 2.4.0* NA - - NA - -
IMS High Performance Unload* 1.2.0 SC - UI58080 SC - UI69016


IMS Index Builder* 3.1.0 SC - UI63397 SC - UI69736
IMS Library Integrity Utilities* 2.2.0 SI - - NA - -
IMS Network Compression Facility 1.2.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Online Reorganization Facility* - SC Supported in IMS Database Solution Pack 2.2 UI63867


SC - UI71299
IMS Performance Analyzer* 4.5.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Performance Solution Pack 2.3.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Problem Investigator* 2.5.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Program Restart Facility 2.2.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Queue Control Facility* 4.1.0 NA - - NA - -
3.2.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Recovery Expert* - SI - - SC - UI73258
IMS Recovery Solution Pack 2.1.0 SC PTFs are also required for stand-alone products in the pack UI67143 SP

See Note 2

- UI72743
IMS Sequential Randomizer Generator 1.1.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Sysplex Manager* 1.3.0 NA - - NA - -
IMS Transaction Manager Solution Pack 1.1.0 NA PTFs are required only for the stand-alone products in the pack - NA - -
IMS Workload Router 2.7.0 NA - - NA - -
Note 1: The IMS Database Repair Facility function in IMS HP Pointer Checker and IMS Fast Path Solution Pack is listed as a separate entry in the table. Verify you have the additional PTF required for this component.
Note 2: With PTF IU72743, IMS Recovery Solution Pack will support encrypted OSAM databases except for recovery from image copy data sets which were created by: 1) IMS Image Copy 2 utility, 2) Advanced Image Copy process of IMS HP Image Copy, 3) User image copy, and 4) Incremental image copy process. Additional PTFs will be required to remove these restrictions.