General options reference

This section contains a reference for the IMS Program Restart Facility general options.


This option identifies whether abend retry is active for a job.

Abend retry processing is invoked when an abend occurs during IMS application program processing. If an abend occurs, and an abend retry table entry requests that IMS Program Restart Facility attempt to retry the abend, IMS Program Restart Facility automatically invokes IMS again and has IMS restart the application program from the last checkpoint. This is done without any intervention, so it is not necessary to resubmit the job.

Abends that are considered for retry must be coded in an abend retry table. The name of the table must be specified in the ABTABLE option. If the table named in the ABTABLE option does not exist, ABRETRY=NO is used as the default setting.


The name of a valid IMS Program Restart Facility abend retry table as defined in the IMS Program Restart Facility options data set. The table name is used when ABRETRY=YES is in specified, and when an abend occurs in IMS application program processing. The entries in the abend retry table determine whether IMS Program Restart Facility tries to automatically restart the application program without having to resubmit the job.

No default value.


Specify one of the following values for this option:

IMS Program Restart Facility does not produce a WTOR if the job is an extended restart job.
IMS Program Restart Facility issues a WTOR for message IRT014A if an automatic extended restart can be performed and no extended restart checkpoint ID is specified in the JCL for the restarted job. Message IRT014A prompts the operator to reply with either YES, NO, or ABEND with the following outcomes for each response:
Extended restart is performed.
No extended restart is performed.
The job terminates with a U3627 abend.

Default value is NO.


Specify one of the following values to indicate the type of restart that is done:

IMS Program Restart Facility automatically supplies the IMS Extended Restart checkpoint ID if the job ended abnormally during its last run.
IMS Program Restart Facility does not provide automatic IMS Extended Restart processing. No Extended Restart checkpoint ID is automatically supplied for the job even if the job ended abnormally during its last run.
The current indoubt checkpoint ID is committed for the next restart of the abended job. Do not make this specification in the global or job override options. You can use this specification to temporarily override the restart JCL as part of the IRT$CNTL DD * JCL statement or in the CTX data set.
The last verified checkpoint ID is used for the next restart of the abended job. Do not specify this value in the global or job override options. You can use this value to temporarily override the restart JCL as part of the IRT$CNTL DD * JCL statement or in the CTX data set.

Default value is YES.


The CHKPINT specification is optional. When specified, IMS Program Restart Facility monitors checkpoint activity and sends message IRT090I to the JESLOG of the job when the length of time since the prior checkpoint exceeds the interval that is specified in the option.

Programs that do extensive internal processing have messages sent to the JESLOG of the job that are not relevant. For example, if a program reads a large amount of data, sorts the data, and does additional processing, checkpoint interval warning messages are probably produced while the internal sort processing is occurring.

No default value.


The DEBUG option provides additional debug information when you have a re-creatable problem that requires additional documentation. This product option is provided for backward compatibility with IMS Program Restart Facility 2.1.

The option is ignored if specified in IMS Program Restart Facility 2.2.

Default value is 00000000.

Specify one of the following values for this option:
No IMS Program Restart Facility processing occurs during the execution of the job, other than the process of reading option specifications.
IMS Program Restart Facility processing occurs during the execution of the job.

Default value is NO.

Specify one of the following values for this option:
IMS Program Restart Facility substitutes checkpoint IDs that are generated by IMS Program Restart Facility automatically for those created by the application program.
IMS Program Restart Facility retains the checkpoint IDs that are created by the application program.

Checkpoint IDs generated by IMS Program Restart Facility take the form aaaannnn, where aaaa is the address space ID (ASID) of the job, represented by 4 hexadecimal characters, and nnnn is a 4-digit sequence number between 0001 - 9999, which wraps back to 0000 after 9999.

Default value is NO.

Specify one of the following values for this option:
IMS Program Restart Facility processes operator initiated MVS™ MODIFY commands. The command is processed by IMS Program Restart Facility only if the application already issued an XRST call.
IMS Program Restart Facility ignores any operator-issued MODIFY commands for the job that is running.

Default value is NO.

Specify one of the following values for this option:
IMS Program Restart Facility ignores data that is provided by the application program in the IOAREA of an XRST call.
If there are no CTA and CTB data sets for the job, IMS Program Restart Facility obtains the restart checkpoint ID from the information that is specified in the IOAREA of an XRST call, if the area is non-blank. In this scenario, you must include a log file in the job, using the //IMSLOGR DD statement, that contains the checkpoint ID.
Note: IGNXIOA is ignored if there are CTA and CTB data sets for the job, or if USEJCLID=YES and a checkpoint ID are specified through the PARM field.

Default value is NO.

Specify one of the following values for this option:
IMS Program Restart Facility ignores any existing IMSLOGR DD in the JCL of a job, and overrides the IMSLOGR data set with its own LOG data set.
IMS Program Restart Facility uses any existing IMSLOGR DD in the JCL of the job.

The IMSLOGR=YES specification helps to ensure that IMS reads the correct checkpoint data.

Default value is NO.


The IRT#CPID specification defines the load module name of the checkpoint ID table to be used. The default name is IRT#CPID. This is the load module name that is created by the process that is described in Overriding IMS Extended Restart processing.

Default value is IRT#CPID.


The RDORETRY option enables IMS Program Restart Facility to restart an abended read-only DLI- or DBB- type batch job that does not perform logging. IMS Program Restart Facility uses the CTDS data sets to restart the job even though there is no IMS log.

IMS Program Restart Facility restarts a read-only DLI- or DBB- type batch job that does not perform logging. If the job ends abnormally with one of the abend codes that are specified in the active abend retry table, IMS Program Restart Facility attempts to automatically retry the job by restarting IMS batch processing even though the job step has not ended.

If you specify RDORETRY=YES, you must also specify ABRETRY=YES.

IMS Program Restart Facility does not restart a read-only DLI- or DBB- type batch job that does not perform logging.

If you specify this option, IMS Program Restart Facility also changes the DBRC option to DBRC=N.

The read-only job that is being restarted does not perform logging, so IMS Program Restart Facility does not allocate any log data sets for the IEFRDER and IEFRDER2 DD statements.

Restriction: The DFSIDEF0 module, if present, cannot have DBRC=FORCE specified.

The IMS DD statement must be present with the named PSB that is present in the specified library, or with one of the libraries that are listed in the concatenation.

Default value is NO.


This option determines whether IMS Program Restart Facility support for Java™ applications should be enabled.

Start of changeUse this option to enable IMS Program Restart Facility support for Java applications that run in the JBP regions and issue extended restart and checkpoint calls. When REGJBP=YES is specified, all features that are available in BMP regions, except for the checkpoint insertion feature, are available in JBP regions. End of change
Start of changeIMS Program Restart Facility support is not be enabled for Java applications that run in the JBP regions.End of change

Default value is NO.


The SHOWOPTS option determines which IMS Program Restart Facility messages are written for IMS batch jobs, and where they are written.

Specify one of the following values for this option:
Summary option information is written to the JESLOG of IMS batch jobs. Some informational messages are suppressed, and remaining informational and status messages are written to the JESLOG of the job.
No option information is written for IMS batch jobs, and limited informational messages providing job status are written to the JESLOG of the job.
Option information is written to the JESLOG of the IMS batch job only if the job is not excluded from IMS Program Restart Facility processing. Limited informational and status messages are written to the JESLOG of the batch job.
IMS Program Restart Facility dynamically allocates DD name IRTPRINT if it is not present in the job, and writes all option information and status messages to the IRTPRINT output file. This option provides additional information not only about the options in use for a job, but additional status messages during the execution of a job. See the SYSOUT option, which defines the SYSOUT class that should be dynamically allocated for the IRTPRINT file.

Default value is NO.

Recommendation: Specify SHOWOPTS=PRINT, as this option provides additional informational messages during the execution of the job, a full listing of all options in use for the job, and the source of each option. You can use SHOWOPTS=PRINT with no JCL changes by using the SYSOUT option to specify the SYSOUT class that will be used when IRTPRINT is dynamically allocated.

Specify a one-character SYSOUT class that is used for the IRTPRINT DD (see the SHOWOPTS option).

No default value.


The TRACK option specifies whether IMS Program Restart Facility should track checkpoints and provide automatic restart support.

Specify one of the following values for this option:

IMS Program Restart Facility provides checkpoint ID tracking services, which are used to provide automatic restart support.
IMS Program Restart Facility does not provide any checkpoint ID tracking services (no CTDS is allocated). In addition, IMS Program Restart Facility does not provide automatic restart support for the job.

Default value is YES.

Specify whether you want IMS Program Restart Facility to use the restart checkpoint ID specified by the CKPTID parameter value in the JCL EXEC statement. Select one of the following values for this option:
IMS Program Restart Facility ignores the CKPTID parameter in the JCL EXEC statement. The restart checkpoint ID that is supplied by the IMS Program Restart Facility, if any, will be used.
IMS Program Restart Facility overrides the restart checkpoint ID with the value specified by the CKPTID parameter in the JCL EXEC statement. To restart a job from a user-specified checkpoint, you must make available the log data set that contains the corresponding checkpoint log by specifying the IMSLOGR DD statement.

If IMS cannot find the corresponding checkpoint log, the restart job will end abnormally with an IMS U0102 completion code.

If no CKPTID parameter is found in the JCL EXEC statement, this option is ignored.

Default value is NO.