JCL requirements for the Advanced ACBGEN utility
JCL for running the Advanced ACBGEN utility, whether the utility is used alone or called within an ACB Generation and Catalog Populate utility (DFS3UACB) job, must meet JCL requirements.
The Advanced ACBGEN utility is JCL-compatible with the IMS ACBGEN utility (DFSUACB0). The Advanced ACBGEN utility supports a few unique DD statements, but most of the DD statements are common between the utilities.
- For the JCL requirements for the IMS ACBGEN utility, see the topic "Application Control Blocks Maintenance utility".
- To generate ACB members by using the Advanced ACBGEN utility in an ACB Generation and Catalog Populate utility job, see the JCL requirements for that utility in the topic "ACB Generation and Catalog Populate utility (DFS3UACB)".
If you run the IMS ACBGEN utility with a JCL stream that contains the Advanced ACBGEN utility unique DD statements, such as ACBSYSIN and DFSPRINT, those DD statements are ignored.
EXEC statement
parameter field must be in the form: PARM='UPB,PRECOMP,POSTCOMP'
- Indicates that the block maintenance utility is to receive control. This parameter is required.
- Requests the IMS.ACBLIB data set be compressed before blocks are built.
- Requests compression after the blocks are built.
PRECOMP and POSTCOMP are optional and can be used in any combination.
The format of the EXEC JCL statement is the same when you use the Advanced ACBGEN utility in ACB Generation and Catalog Populate utility (DFS3UACB) jobs.
Common DD statements that are used differently
The following required DD statements are common to the Advanced ACBGEN utility, IMS ACBGEN utility, and the ACB Generation and Catalog Populate utility (DFS3UACB). However, these DD statements are used differently when they are specified for the Advanced ACBGEN utility.
- A STEPLIB DD statement or a JOBLIB DD statement must be provided.
The data set name specified on this DD statement must be the name
of the load module library that contains the Advanced ACBGEN utility.
The IMS RESLIB must be concatenated behind the DD statement that contains the Advanced ACBGEN utility.
- This statement must be provided regardless of the APF-authorization of the STEPLIB DD. This statement points to the IMS RESLIB.
- This statement must be provided. The data set contains reports
of the Advanced ACBGEN utility.
The record format is fixed-blocked, and the logical record length is 121. The block size, if coded, must be a multiple of 121.
Common DD statements
The following DD statements are common to the Advanced ACBGEN utility, IMS ACBGEN utility, and the ACB Generation and Catalog Populate utility (DFS3UACB). These DD statements work the same in all three utilities.
- This statement must be provided. It points to the IMS.PSBLIB and IMS.DBDLIB data sets.
- This statement must be provided. The data set name specified in this DD statement must be the name of the ACB library. Do not use Linkage Editor to place the members in the data set.
- This statement must be provided. The data set is used for specifying
the input control statements.
The record format is fixed-blocked, and the logical record length is 80. The block size, if coded, must be a multiple of 80. During execution, this utility can process as many control statements as required.
For more information about SYSIN DD and SYSIN control statements, see the topic "Application Control Blocks Maintenance utility" in IMS System Utilities.
- This statement must be provided if either PRECOMP or POSTCOMP
is specified on the EXEC statement. This statement contains the control
input data set to be used by IEBCOPY.
If both PRECOMP and POSTCOMP are specified on the EXEC statement parameters, this data set must be capable of being closed with a reread option.
This data set must contain the following control statement of the form:COPY INDD=IMSACB,OUTDD=IMSACB
- This statement must be provided if either PRECOMP or POSTCOMP is specified on the EXEC statement. This statement points to a work data set.
- This statement works the same as SYSUT3.
- This statement is optional. The Advanced ACBGEN utility generates
a list of the ACB members that are written to the ACB library during
ACB generation. This DD statement is the same as the ACBCATWK DD statement
that is used for the IMS ACBGEN
The output written to this data set by the Advanced ACBGEN utility is identical the output written by the IMS ACBGEN utility.
DD statements used in ACB Generation and Catalog Populate utility (DFS3UACB) jobs
Use the following DD statements when you generate ACB members with the Advanced ACBGEN utility in ACB Generation and Catalog Populate utility (DFS3UACB) jobs. For a complete list of DD statements, see the topic "ACB Generation and Catalog Populate utility (DFS3UACB)" in IMS System Utilities.
- This statement is optional. The DFS3PPRM DD statement specifies
execution parameters for the IMS Catalog
Populate utility (DFS3PU00).
Use this DD statement to override the default parameters of the DFS3PU00 utility, which is automatically executed after the ACB members are generated. With the default parameters, the DFS3PU00 utility runs in update mode with DBRC and without IRLM.
- This statement is optional. This DD statement specifies the ACB
library data set that contains the ACB members that are used by the
DFS3PU00 utility to populate the IMS catalog.
This DD statement must specify the same data set defined in the IMSACB DD statement. To ensure that the same data set is referenced, code this DD statement with an asterisk as the high-level qualifier, as follows:
- A PROCLIB DD statement must be provided. The PROCLIB DD statement specifies the IMS.PROCLIB data set that contains the DFSDFxxx member that defines various attributes of the IMS catalog that are required by the DFS3PU00 utility to populate the IMS catalog.
Unique DD statements for the Advanced ACBGEN utility
The following DD statements are used only by the Advanced ACBGEN utility.
- This statement is optional. The data set can be used to specify
parameters used by the Advanced ACBGEN utility.
If used, it must contain 80-character, fixed-length records. Related reading: For the format of the control statements, see ACBSYSIN control statements.
- This statement is optional. The data set, if provided, contains
all of the DFSnnnn messages that the SYSPRINT data
set would normally contain. Because the Advanced ACBGEN utility places
all of its reports in the SYSPRINT data set, the DFSPRINT DD statement
can be used to separate the DFSnnnn messages from
the reports.
The reports generated by the Advanced ACBGEN utility contain all of the information found in the DFSnnnn messages that were issued during the process of generating ACB members and that would normally be written to the SYSPRINT data set. To isolate and suppress the printing of these verbose and voluminous DFS messages, specify a DFSPRINT DD DUMMY JCL statement.