Sample library members

The sample libraries (SHPSJCL0 and SHPSSAMP) that are supplied with IMS Library Integrity Utilities contains JCL that you can use as a model to create your own jobs.

The following table summarizes the members in the SHPSJCL0 library.

Table 1. Sample JCL in the SHPSJCL0 library
Utility Member Description
All utilities FABLLINK Link-edits the IMS Library Integrity Utilities load modules.
Integrity Checker FABLIVP3 Runs the Integrity Checker utility in the IMS batch environment to create an RDE. Before running this JCL, make sure that Integrity Checker is activated.
FABLALSC Creates alias name DSPCRTR0 for the FABLRTR0 module.
FABLALSD Deletes the alias name DSPCRTR0 from the FABLRTR0 module.
FABLINIT Initializes the Integrity Checker utility by creating a LICON data set, initializing the LICON data set, and creating a global option module.
FABLUMD1 Runs SMP/E RECEIVE/APPLY of USERMOD to install the FABLRTR0 module into the IMS SDFSRESL library.
Consistency Checker FABLIVP2 Runs the Consistency Checker utility.
Multiple Resource Checker FABWIVP Runs the Multiple Resource Checker utility.
DBD/PSB/ACB Compare, Mapper, Reversal FABLIVP1 Runs the DBD/PSB/ACB Compare, Mapper, and Reversal utilities.
MDA Reversal FABXMIVP Runs the MDA Reversal utility.
Catalog Manager FABXCIVP Runs the Catalog Manager utility.
Advanced ACBGEN and ACBLIB Analyzer FABQIVP Runs the Advanced ACBGEN utility and the ACBLIB Analyzer utility.
FABLQUMD1 Deletes alias DFSUACB0 from the SHPSLMD0 library of IMS Library Integrity Utilities and the LMOD entry of IMS Library Integrity Utilities SMP/E CSI.
FABLQUMD2 Runs SMP/E LIST for the IMS DFSRRA80 source entry.
FABLQUMD3 Runs SMP/E RECEIVE/APPLY of USERMOD to modify the IMS DFSRRA80 module so that the module invokes the FABQMAIN module of IMS Library Integrity Utilities instead of DFSUACB0.
MFS Reversal and Compare FABVIVP Runs the MFS Reversal utility and the MFS Compare utility.

The following tables summarize the members in the SHPSSAMP library.

Table 2. Sample JCL in the SHPSSAMP library
Utility Member Description
Integrity Checker FABLCNV2 Migrates the LICON data set that is used in IMS Library Integrity Utilities 1.1.
DBD/PSB/ACB Reversal FABNDFL1 Runs the DBD/PSB/ACB Reversal Site Default Generation utility to generate a SYSIN site default table.
FABNDFL2 Runs the DBD/PSB/ACB Reversal Site Default Generation utility to report on the SYSIN site default table.
IMS Administration Tool FAB$TL01 Used for the Run IMS Utilities feature (JCL generation) of IMS Administration Tool to generate JCL for the Consistency Checker utility.
FAB$TL02 Used for the Run IMS Utilities feature (JCL generation) of IMS Administration Tool to generate JCL for the DBD/PSB Mapper utility.
FAB$TL03 Used for the Run IMS Utilities feature (JCL generation) of IMS Administration Tool to generate JCL for the ACB Mapper utility.
Table 3. Sample procedure in the SHPSSAMP library
Utility Member Description
Integrity Checker FABLPGEN This member contains the procedure for creating a global option module for the Integrity Checker utility.