FABL3301E VSAM macro FAILED FOR DDNAME: ddname RC=rr RSN=ssss


The VSAM macro macro failed for the data set whose DD name is ddname. The return code is rr, and the reason code is ssss. FABL3301E is issued for the failure of VSAM macros requested for ACBs.

System action

The IMS online subsystem continues processing with the Integrity Checker function deactivated. The IMS batch job or the LICON utility job ends abnormally.

User response

Check whether the correct VSAM data set is used. Ensure that enough space is allocated for the VSAM data set. For the return code and the reason code, see z/OS® DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. Correct the error, and rerun the batch job. If necessary, restart the IMS subsystem.