JCL requirements for the FABLPGEN program
The following JCL requirements must be met to create a global option module with the FABLPGEN program.
EXEC statement
The EXEC statement must be in the following form.
//stepname EXEC FABLPGEN,MBR=module,SOUT=x
- MBR=
- Specifies the name of the global option module. module is LIU@INST, LIUGINST, LIU@imsid, or LIUGimsid.
- Specifies the SYSOUT class to be used for SYSPRINT DD.
DD statements
- This statement specifies the macro library (SHPSMAC0) provided by IMS Library Integrity Utilities, or one of IMS tools solution packs. This library contains the FABLPGIN macro.
- This statement specifies the input control statement stream.
- This statement specifies the output data set for global option
modules. If you merge the Integrity Checker load modules into the IMS SDFSRESL library, specify the IMS SDFSRESL library for this DD
statement. Otherwise, specify the Integrity Checker load module library
for this DD statement.
You can create global option modules in a different library. If you do so, concatenate that library to the STEPLIB DD in JCL and cataloged procedures for all the jobs from which you want to activate Integrity Checker.
Control statement keywords
The control statement formats are as follows:
- The IBM® supplied macro for
use in defining the global option module. The syntax of the parameter
specifications of this macro is the same as the syntax of an ordinary
assembler macro statement.
You must specify the statement label for the FABLPGIN macro. For the statement label, specify the name of the global option module, which is LIU@INST, LIUGINST, LIU@imsid, or LIUGimsid (in the example in Figure 1, LIU@INST beginning at column 1.)
- Specifies the name of the LICON data set. No system default value is provided for this parameter.
- Specifies the method for verifying the DMBs; either SNGL or DBLE.
SNGL specifies single-step verification and DBLE specifies double-step
verification. The system default value for this parameter is SNGL.
You can choose either of the following two options for how Integrity Checker verifies the DMB of a full-function database against the DMB information registered in the RDE. Specify your choice in the global option module.
- Single-step verification
- Integrity Checker verifies all elements at once. This method is more reliable than the double-step method, but slower.
- Double-step verification
- Integrity Checker verifies the version ID of the DMB in the first step. Version ID is the 13-character time stamp of when the DBD was created or the character string that is specified on the VERSION= keyword of the DBD statement that was supplied for DBDGEN. If the version IDs are not the same, Integrity Checker proceeds to the next step to verify other elements. This method is faster than the single-step method, but less reliable.
For DEDBs, single-step verification is always applied.
Recommendation: Specify single-step verification. If you experience a performance problem, consider using double-step verification. - MSGROUT=
- Specifies the message routing codes for write-to-operator (WTO) messages issued by Integrity Checker. You can specify values in the range of 1 - 16. The system default value for this parameter is (2,7,11).
- Specifies the message descriptor codes for write-to-operator (WTO) messages issued by Integrity Checker. The system default value for this parameter is (7).
- Specifies the maximum number of the mismatch messages to be issued
for a DMB. For example, specifying 3 means Integrity Checker does
not issue more than three mismatch messages for a DMB.
You can specify any number in the range of 0 - 99. 0 specifies that verification is to be done but no mismatch message issued. 99 specifies that the number of messages is unlimited. The system default value for this parameter is 10.
- Specifies whether Integrity Checker automatically creates an RDE.
The system default value for this parameter is Y.
- Y
- If no current RDE exists for a DEDB area, a non-HALDB full-function database, or a HALDB partition, Integrity Checker automatically creates an RDE during the first access to it.
- N
- Even when no current RDE exists for a DEDB area, a non-HALDB full-function database, or a HALDB partition, Integrity Checker does not create an RDE during the first access to it.
- Specifies whether Integrity Checker abnormally ends, or issues
a warning message and stops its processing, when the initialization
of Integrity Checker fails. The system default value for this parameter
is A.
This option is not effective in an IMS online subsystem that has a BPE-based DBRC region. If you specify this option for such an environment, Integrity Checker stops processing, and the IMS online subsystem continues processing.
- Specifies the verification option for online IMS subsystems. The system default value for
this parameter is (Y,D). You can specify the following options:
- Y
- Check. If you specify Y, you can specify either of the following
- D
- If a mismatch is found, deny authorization to use the database.
- W
- Issue a warning message and create a new RDE.
- N
- Do not check.
- Specifies the verification option for batch jobs. The system default
value for this parameter is (Y,D). You can specify the following options:
- Y
- Check. If you specify Y, you can specify either of the following
- D
- If a mismatch is found, deny authorization to use the database.
- W
- Issue a warning message and create a new RDE.
- N
- Do not check.
- Specifies the verification option for user load program jobs.
The system default value for this parameter is (Y,D). You can specify
the following options:
- Y
- Check. If you specify Y, you can specify either of the following
- D
- If a mismatch is found, deny authorization to use the database.
- W
- Issue a warning message and create a new RDE.
- N
- Do not check.
- Specifies the verification option for batch image copy jobs. The
system default value for this parameter is (Y,D). You can specify
the following options:
- Y
- Check. If you specify Y, you can specify either of the following
- D
- If a mismatch is found, deny authorization to use the database.
- W
- Issue a warning message and create a new RDE.
- N
- Do not check.
- Specifies the verification option for database recovery jobs.
The system default value for this parameter is (Y,D). You can specify
the following options:
- Y
- Check. If you specify Y, you can specify either of the following
- D
- If a mismatch is found, deny authorization to use the database.
- W
- Issue a warning message and create a new RDE.
- N
- Do not check.
- Specifies whether to verify changes in randomizing routines by
checksum. The system default value for this parameter is N. You can
specify the following options:
- Y
- Check.
- N
- Do not check.
- Specifies whether to verify changes in segment edit/compression
routines by checksum. The system default value for this parameter
is N. You can specify the following options:
- Y
- Check.
- N
- Do not check.
- Specifies whether to verify changes in HALDB partition selection
exit routines by checksum. The system default value for this parameter
is N. You can specify the following options:
- Y
- Check.
- N
- Do not check.
- Specifies whether to verify changes in DEDB partition selection
exit routines by checksum. The system default value for this parameter
is N. You can specify the following options:
- Y
- Check.
- N
- Do not check.
- Specifies the maximum number of expired RDEs to be kept in the LICON data set for use in recoveries. The system default value for this parameter is 0 (do not keep expired RDEs). A maximum of 15 RDE copies can be kept.
- Specifies whether to record database update access information.
The system default value for this parameter is N. You can specify
the following options:
- Y
- Record.
- N
- Do not record.
- Specifies whether to record database load access information.
The system default value for this parameter is N. You can specify
the following options:
- Y
- Record.
- N
- Do not record.
- Specifies whether to record database unload access information.
The system default value for this parameter is N. You can specify
the following options:
- Y
- Record.
- N
- Do not record.
Sample JCL is in the SHPSJCL0 library, member FABLINIT. The following figure shows the CREGOM step of the sample JCL, which creates global option module LIU@INST.
The name of a global option module can be LIU@INST, LIU@imsid, LIUGINST, or LIUGimsid. Replace LIU@INST in the JCL example to create a module with one of these names.