HD Tuning Aid messages

Use the information in these messages to help you diagnose and solve HD Tuning Aid problems.

Message format

HD Tuning Aid messages adhere to the following format:



Indicates that the message was issued by HD Tuning Aid
Indicates the four-digit message identification number
Indicates the severity of the message:
Indicates that an error occurred, which might or might not require operator intervention.
Indicates that the message is informational only.
Indicates that the message is a warning to alert you to a possible error condition.

In the message text, you will see lowercase variable names (such as xxx...). The variable names take on values when the message appears and might represent such things as:

  • The name of a data set
  • The number of data records
  • A name or value provided by the user
  • The name of a partition
  • The name of a DBD
Each message also includes the following information:
The Explanation section explains what the message text means, why it occurred, and what its variables represent.
System action:
The System action section explains what the system will do in response to the event that triggered this message.
User response:
The User response section describes whether a response is necessary, what the appropriate response is, and how the response will affect the system or program.