Entity type properties

When you add or edit an entity type from the Member Types tab, use this list as a reference for the property names and descriptions you can set in the Properties view.

The Entity type properties table contains a list of the property names and descriptions that you can set for the entity type.

Table 1. Entity type properties
Property Description
Allow same source linking Enables records from the same source that score above the auto-link threshold to be automatically linked with a common Entity ID. (Records from the same source can still be manually linked.) The default setting is false.
Asynchronous Indicates whether asynchronous processing is enabled for the Entity Manager.
Category Category is used primarily to group for reporting purposes and to act as a placeholder in the system.
Comparison code Defines the comparison algorithm that is used for this entity. Valid codes can be found in MPI_cmphead.
Comparison description Brief description of the comparison algorithm that is used for this entity.
Comparison name Name for the comparison algorithm that is used for this entity.
Description Brief description of the entity type.
Entity manager polling interval This entry controls when the entity manager checks for flagged MEMRECNOs. The entity manager only “sleeps” when it is empty. If flagged MEMRECNOs continue to be present, the entity manager continues to process.

If an error occurs during entity management, this value is also used as the sleep duration before processing is resumed by the entity manager instance. This value is in seconds, and the minimum value is 1.

Entity manager work unit This entry defines how many records come off the entity manager work queue in one unit.
Entity type The type of entity (for example, ID for identity or HH for household).
Enttypeno A read-only field that contains the ENTTYPENO field from the operational server database.
Label An expanded string or description of the status. This entry is displayed on user client screens.
Maximum bucket role This entry is used to set a bucket role value range to be used when you are doing a member match such as cross matching by an entity manager, bulk cross match (BXM), or member match (MemMatch) interaction. It is a subset of the full range of values that are used for a member search, and is a performance tuning setting to allow for faster matches. Bucket roles outside this range are used for searches but not for matches.
Maximum candidate count for dynamic frequencies This property is used to enable dynamic frequency-based bucketing. Dynamic frequency-based bucketing is a run time process. When a frequent bucket is identified, an entry is added in the database. This bucket value is considered during subsequent member data derivation. Dynamic frequency-based bucketing is triggered when the number of candidates that are identified during candidate selection exceeds the setting of the Maximum candidate count for dynamic frequencies property. Valid input is an integer of 0 - 2147483647. The default of 0 means that dynamic frequency-based bucketing is not enabled.
Maximum entity size This property is used to mitigate large entities. A value of 0 for this parameter indicates that the maximum entity size check is disabled. A value of 1 should not be used as it attempts to create a task for every member added to the system. The valid range is 2 - 2147483647. When the configured value is set, additional members will not be auto linked to the entity. If task management is enabled, a task will be created so that a data steward may examine the entity. If the task is resolved and the member joins the entity, additional members will be allowed to auto link to the entity. Additional tasks that were generated will be automatically resolved when any maximum entity size task is resolved for the entity being reviewed by the data steward.
Member Status Filter Member status filter controls which members are cross-matched to create entities for this type; Active, Merged, Overlay, or Deleted. While you can set the filter to include members with a Merged status, doing so can result in inaccurate entity formations. The “F” status is commonly used when an implementation has records that are invalid, but for various reasons choose to keep in the system. For example, a pharmacy that fills prescriptions for both humans and animals might want to keep records of the animal prescriptions. They might want to search for those records, but they do not want to actually link those records to entities made up of human records. To prevent linking for members with a status of “F,” do not specify “F” as a member status filter.

This property setting can be confused with another member status filter that is set from the Attributes tab. Setting this property from the Entity Types tab modifies the mpi_enttype database table.

Minimum bucket role This entry is used to set a bucket role value range to be used when doing a member match (cross matching by an entity manager, BXM, or MemMatch interaction). It is a subset of the full range of values that are used for a member search, and is a performance tuning setting to allow for faster matches. Bucket roles outside this range are used for searches but not for matches.
Transitive Indicates whether glue members are used in matching when placing members into entities. The default is True. When set to True, if Member A matches Member B, and Member B matches Member C, it is assumed that Member A matches Member C and they are all put into the same entity. When set to False, this assumption is not made, so every member in an entity matches above the auto-link threshold with every other member in the entity.
Uses an input queue Indicates whether this entity type has an input queue. Input queues come into play when the entity is set to link and create tasks. If you are using synchronous entity management or are not using persistent entity management, set this field to false.
Uses an output queue If you are implementing event notification for this entity type, this field must be set to true. A true setting enables events to be queued for processing by the event notification manager. If event notification is not being used for the entity type, this field must be set to false. If it is not set to false, unnecessary data is written to the database, which causes table space overflow because the data is never cleaned up by the operational server.
Uses linkage history Indicates whether this entity type stores Entity ID assignment history.
Uses notes Indicates whether this entity type stores notes about the records.
Uses rules Indicates whether this entity type sets and stores identity rules between records in an entity.
Uses tasks Indicates whether this entity type uses tasks.