- Description
- This inquiry transaction retrieves the details for all identifiers for a given product.
- Web Services
- Operation name: getAllProductIdentifiers
- Example
- Retrieve the details for all the identifiers for the Everyday Savings Account banking product.
- Usage information
- The input to this transaction is the ProductId being queried.
This transaction supports the Pagination feature.
- Preconditions
- Not applicable
- Mandatory input
- ProductId
- Inquiry levels
- Not applicable
- Filter values
- This transaction supports filters. Valid values are:
- ACTIVE - returns only active product identifiers.
- INACTIVE - returns only inactive product identifiers.
- ALL - returns all product identifiers, both active and inactive.
The filter is optional. Filter values are not case sensitive for this transaction.
- Transaction behavior
- Not applicable
- Request message
- <InquiryType> getAllProductIdentifiers
<tcrmParam name= "ProductId">
<tcrmParam name= "Filter">
- Response objects
- List of ProductIdentifierBObj objects
- Special note
- Not applicable