The ENTITYSTATISTICS table stores hourly aggregated statistics data about entities stored in the system.
This table is used by the following domains.
Name | Comment | Datatype | Null Option | Is PK |
ENTITY_STATISTICS_ID | A unique, system-generated key that identifies an entity statistics record in the system. | BIGINT | NOT NULL | Yes |
CREATED_DT | The date when this record is created. | TIMESTAMP | NOT NULL | No |
SOURCE | Identifies the source system where the statistics record is from. | VARCHAR(255) | NULL | No |
ENTITY_TP_CD | Identifies the entity type of this statistics record. | BIGINT | NOT NULL | No |
ADD_COUNT | The total count of added entities in an hour for a type of entity. | BIGINT | NULL | No |
UPDATE_COUNT | The total count of updated entities in an hour for a given type of entity. | BIGINT | NULL | No |
INACTIVE_COUNT | The total count of inactivated entities in an hour for a given type of entity. | BIGINT | NULL | No |
DELETE_COUNT | The total count of deleted entities in an hour for a given type of entity. | BIGINT | NULL | No |
SUSPECT_CREATED_COUNT | The total count of suspected duplicates created in an hour for a given type of entity. | BIGINT | NULL | No |
SUSPECT_RESOLVED_COUNT | The total count of suspected duplicates resolved in an hour for a given type of entity. | BIGINT | NULL | No |
LAST_UPDATE_DT | When a record is added or updated, this field is updated with the date and time. On subsequent updates, the system uses this information to ensure that the update request includes a matching date and time on this field. If it does not, then the update fails. | TIMESTAMP | NOT NULL | No |