The BANKACCOUNT table is a subtype of the PAYMENTSOURCE table, describing the bank account information used to pay one or more contracts or accounts.

This table is used by the following domain.
Name Comment Datatype Null Option Is PK
PAYMENT_SOURCE_ID A unique, system-generated key that identifies a payment source in the system. BIGINT Not Null Yes
ACCT_TP_CD The type of bank account provided by the party. Some examples are checking, savings, etc. BIGINT Not Null No
ACCT_NUM The alphanumeric identifier assigned to the bank account that uniquely identifies it for that given institution. VARCHAR(30) Not Null No
RECORDED_OPEN_DT The date on which the bank account was actually opened, or recorded as opened. TIMESTAMP Null No
RECORDED_CLOSED_DT The date on which the bank account was actually closed, or recorded as closed. TIMESTAMP Null No
BRANCH_NUM The local office, or branch, identifier used by the bank to identify that location of the account. VARCHAR(10) Not Null No
BANK_NUM A unique identifier for the bank, assigned outside of the system. VARCHAR(10) Not Null No
DEPOSITOR_NAME The Party's name as printed on a check (the account registration name). VARCHAR(255) Null No
LAST_UPDATE_DT When a record is added or updated, this field is updated with the date and time. On subsequent updates, the system uses this information to ensure that the update request includes a matching date and time on this field; if it does not, the update fails. TIMESTAMP Not Null No
LAST_UPDATE_USER The ID of the user who last updated the data. VARCHAR(20) Null No
LAST_UPDATE_TX_ID A unique, system-generated key that identifies the specific transaction within the log system that either created, updated, or deleted the data row. BIGINT Null No