Record Resolution Detail Report

This InfoSphere® MDM Inspector report displays details about the entities that are established, reviewed, or resolved during the selected time frame.


Entity Type
select the type of entity for this report. Entity types are customizable for each installation.
Filter linkages by the following date and time
choose whether to filter the report data based on Create Time or Last Modified Time.
  • From – select the beginning of the date range and time during which the linkage was created.
  • To – select the end of the date range and time during which the linkage was created.
Filter linkages by the following EID range
select the start (from) and end (to) Entity ID IDs on which to filter the data.
Note: If the EID range is not specified, the prior EID and members might be displayed in the report results.
Include Linkage Types
select the linkage types to display in the report. The default is all linkage types.
Include Linkage Statuses
select the task statuses to display in the report. The default is all task statuses.
Include Users
select users to see events that are initiated by those users. The default is all users.
Maximum number of trigger members to display
select the maximum number of rows to display in the result set. The default is 1000.
Download results as CSV file
if you prefer to view the results in a spreadsheet or other program, check this option to save the results as a text file with comma-separated values (CSV). The report is not displayed in the default browser format when this option is checked.

Report fields

  • Entity ID – describes the entity identifier.
  • Prior EID – describes the prior Entity ID for the member that is affected by the task.
  • Workflow Status – describes the status of the task.
  • Linkage Type – describes the type of linkage for this record.
  • Creation Time – describes the date that the task was created.
  • Last Modification Time – describes the date that the task was last updated.
  • User – describes the user who last updated the task.
  • Creator – describes the user who created the task.
  • Event Initiator – represents the user who initiated the event.
  • Source:ID – describes the source system and source system–assigned ID number.
  • Member Name* – describes the name of the member for whom a task was created.
  • Sex* – describes the member's gender.
  • Date of Birth* – describes the member's date of birth.
  • Phone* – describes the member's home telephone number.
Note: * These fields are customizable by editing the file.

If the members of an EID have been revised so that the EID is different from the prior EID, the EID details might be split into multiple sections.

Last updated: 10 Jan 2018