Choosing attributes to display for custom task summaries

Use this page to select which fields you want to display on the Custom Task Summary within Inspector.

About this task

  • Currently Hidden: This column lists all of the attributes/fields that are currently hidden in the Custom Task Summary in Inspector. Use the arrows to move selected attributes/fields to the Currently Displayed column.
  • Currently Displayed: This column lists all of the attributes/fields that will display in the Custom Task Summary in Inspector. Use the arrows to change the order or move selected attributes/ fields to the Currently hidden column.

Use the Field Pattern section to determine the display values on the Custom Task Summary within Inspector.


  1. Click Insert Field. The Available Fields box opens.
  2. Select a field, and then click OK.
  3. Click Insert Optional Tag to designate the field as Optional within Inspector.

To implement your changes:

  1. Click Save.
  2. See Deploying a Master Data Management configuration for detailed instructions on deploying the Inspector configuration.
  3. Restart InfoSphere MDM Inspector to see the changes in the application.