When you remove suite software, the software removal program
removes only the files that were created as part of the installation
of InfoSphere® Information Server.
You must manually remove other files from the services tier computer
if you plan to reinstall the suite.
Before you begin
Run the software removal program and ensure
that it completed successfully.
- Remove unused databases.
- If you created the metadata repository database before
you installed InfoSphere Information Server,
manually drop the metadata repository database.
The default
database name is xmeta.
- If you created the IBM®
InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis
database before you installed InfoSphere Information Server,
manually drop the database.
The default database name is
- Delete the application server directory.
- If you installed IBM
WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment by using
the InfoSphere Information Server
installation program, complete the additional application server removal steps that are listed in
Cleaning your system after uninstalling the product.
- If the WebSphere Application Server installation
folder is empty, delete the folder. The default directory for the
folder is C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer.
- Remove users if they are no longer needed.
- Run the following command to delete the users.
net user username /delete
- If you used the local operating system user registry,
delete the users that you created for InfoSphere Information Server.
- Delete the groups that contained the deleted
users, if you no longer need the groups.
- If you used an existing installation of IBM
WebSphere Application Server Network
Deployment, remove the profile that you created for the suite.
Note: If the suite installation program installed the application
server, the profile is removed when you remove the suite from your
- Click .
profileName is
the name of the profile to delete.
- Open a command prompt.
- Change to the WASHome\bin directory.
WASHome is the directory where the application
server is installed. The default directory is C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer.
- Run the following command:
manageprofiles.bat -delete -profileName profile
profile is
the name of the profile to be deleted.
- Delete the directory for the profile. The directory
is in the WASHome\profiles\profileName directory.
- Remove any remaining InfoSphere Information Server users
and groups if you are not using them for other purposes.
- Restart the computer.