Making system environment changes (Windows)

To set up a parallel processing configuration, set system environment variables on the conductor node and compute node. Also verify that a temporary directory exists on the C: drive.

Before you begin

You must have Administrator privileges on the conductor node and compute node computers.

About this task

Do this procedure on the conductor node and on each compute node.


  1. On the conductor node and on each compute node, use the Microsoft Windows Control Panel to set the following environment variables. Ensure that you specify these environment variables in all capital letters:
    Table 1. Environment variables to set on the conductor node and compute nodes
    Environment variable Setting
    APT_ORCHHOME The fully qualified path to the PXEngine directory. Use forward slashes instead of backslashes in this specification. For example:
  2. On the compute nodes, update the system PATH environment variable value. You do not need to update this value on the conductor node.
    1. In the PATH value, add the paths to the parallel engine binaries (executables and DLLs). Add the new paths directly before or after the MKS Toolkit references. Use the standard Windows notation (backslashes) for these specifications.
      For example:
      PROGRA~1\MKSTOO~1\bin\X11;C:\PROGRA~1\MKSTOO~1\mksnt; ...
    2. Verify that the MKS Toolkit paths in the PATH value precede any DSEngine paths. If DSEngine paths precede MKS Toolkit paths, edit the variable value so that the DSEngine paths follow the MKS Toolkit paths.
      For example:
      rver\Server\DSEngine\bin ...
  3. On the conductor node and on each compute node, if you installed InfoSphere® Information Server on a drive other than C: (for example, D:), create a tmp directory on the C: drive if the directory does not exist on the C: drive.
    For example, C:\tmp.