After configuring the front-end web server, you must configure
it with IBM®
InfoSphere® Information Server.
Before you begin
Before running the post installation steps for configuring
the front-end web server with InfoSphere Information Server you
must have already installed and configured the front-end web server
with SSL. See Configuring a single front-end web server.
Complete these tasks on all InfoSphere Information Server tier
computers. Complete them on the services tier first.
- Edit the following file and change the value of
and isf.server.port
the host name and SSL port of the front-end HTTP server:
- AIX Linux
- IS_install_path/Version.xml
- Windows
- IS_install_path\Version.xml
<PersistedVariable encrypted="false" name=""
persistent="true" readonly="true" value="frontend_hostname"/>
<PersistedVariable encrypted="false" name="is.console.port"
persistent="true" readonly="true" value="frontend_sslport"/>
- Edit each of the
in the IS_install_path.
You can use the following commands to determine the locations
of the files:
- AIX Linux
cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer
find . -name registered_servers.xml
Example results:
- Windows
cd C:\IBM\InformationServer
dir /b /s /a-d | find "registered_servers.xml"
Locate the following element in the registered-servers.xml file
and provide the host name and SSL port number to the front-end HTTP
<asb-server name="services_computer_hostname"
host-name="frontend_hostname" port="frontend_sslport"
is-primary-server="true" />
- Update the client side InfoSphere Information Server trust
stores with the certificates
from the front-end HTTP server. (The ⇒ symbol indicates
a line continuation.)
- AIX Linux
cd IS_install_path/ASBServer/bin
./ -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
-user wasadmin_user -password wasadmin_password
cd IS_install_path/ASBNode/bin
./ -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
-user wasadmin_user -password wasadmin_password
- Windows
cd IS_install_path\ASBServer\bin
UpdateSignerCerts.bat -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
-user wasadmin_user -password wasadmin_password
cd IS_install_path/ASBNode/bin
UpdateSignerCerts.bat -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
-user wasadmin_user -password wasadmin_password
- Verify that the certificates are properly accepted and
imported to the client side trust store by running the
and checking that a session is found.
- AIX Linux
cd IS_install_path/ASBNode/bin
./ -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
-user IS_admin_user -password IS_admin_password ⇒
cd IS_install_path/ASBServer/bin
./ -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
-user IS_admin_user -password IS_admin_password ⇒
- Windows
cd IS_install_path/ASBNode/bin
SessionAdmin.bat -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
-user IS_admin_user -password IS_admin_password ⇒
cd IS_install_path\ASBServer\bin
SessionAdmin.bat -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
-user IS_admin_user -password IS_admin_password ⇒
- On Engine tier computers, restart the agent and check the
log files to ensure that the agent connected to the services tier.