Connecting the front-end web server with InfoSphere Information Server

After configuring the front-end web server, you must configure it with IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server.

Before you begin

Before running the post installation steps for configuring the front-end web server with InfoSphere Information Server you must have already installed and configured the front-end web server with SSL. See Configuring a single front-end web server.


Complete these tasks on all InfoSphere Information Server tier computers. Complete them on the services tier first.

  1. Edit the following file and change the value of and isf.server.port to the host name and SSL port of the front-end HTTP server:
    AIX Linux
    <PersistedVariable encrypted="false" name=""
    persistent="true" readonly="true" value="frontend_hostname"/>
    <PersistedVariable encrypted="false" name="is.console.port"
    persistent="true" readonly="true" value="frontend_sslport"/>
  2. Edit each of the registered_servers.xml files in the IS_install_path.
    You can use the following commands to determine the locations of the files:
    AIX Linux
    cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer
    find . -name registered_servers.xml

    Example results:

    cd C:\IBM\InformationServer
    dir /b /s /a-d | find "registered_servers.xml"

    Example results:


    Locate the following element in the registered-servers.xml file and provide the host name and SSL port number to the front-end HTTP server.

    <asb-server name="services_computer_hostname"
    host-name="frontend_hostname" port="frontend_sslport"
    is-primary-server="true" />
  3. Update the client side InfoSphere Information Server trust stores with the certificates from the front-end HTTP server. (The ⇒ symbol indicates a line continuation.)
    AIX Linux
    cd IS_install_path/ASBServer/bin
    ./ -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
    -user wasadmin_user -password wasadmin_password
    cd IS_install_path/ASBNode/bin
    ./ -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
    -user wasadmin_user -password wasadmin_password
    cd IS_install_path\ASBServer\bin
    UpdateSignerCerts.bat -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
    -user wasadmin_user -password wasadmin_password
    cd IS_install_path/ASBNode/bin
    UpdateSignerCerts.bat -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
    -user wasadmin_user -password wasadmin_password
  4. Verify that the certificates are properly accepted and imported to the client side trust store by running the SessionAdmin command and checking that a session is found.
    AIX Linux
    cd IS_install_path/ASBNode/bin
    ./ -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
    -user IS_admin_user -password IS_admin_password ⇒
    cd IS_install_path/ASBServer/bin
    ./ -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
    -user IS_admin_user -password IS_admin_password ⇒
    cd IS_install_path/ASBNode/bin
    SessionAdmin.bat -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
    -user IS_admin_user -password IS_admin_password ⇒
    cd IS_install_path\ASBServer\bin
    SessionAdmin.bat -url https://frontend_hostname:frontend_sslport ⇒
    -user IS_admin_user -password IS_admin_password ⇒
  5. On Engine tier computers, restart the agent and check the log files to ensure that the agent connected to the services tier.