If you have configured IBM®
InfoSphere® Information Server to
use an LDAP user registry with WebSphere® Application Server Liberty
Profile but
no longer wish to authenticate with LDAP, you can switch back to use
the internal user registry.
About this task
InfoSphere Information Server supports
any LDAP-compliant user registry that IBM
WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile supports.
- Stop the application server:

IS_install_path/ASBServer/bin/MetadataServer.sh stop

net stop InfoSvr
- Remove the LDAP user registry from the WebSphere Application Server Liberty
Profile configuration
by commenting out or removing the
in the IS_install_path/wlp/usr/servers/iis/server.xml file:
- Add the InfoSphere Information Server user
registry to the WebSphere Application Server Liberty
Profile configuration
in the IS_install_path/wlp/usr/servers/iis/server.xml file,
anywhere before the closing
<usr_iisRegistry dataSourceRef="DataSource_ASBDataSource"/>
- Start the application server:

IS_install_path/ASBServer/bin/MetadataServer.sh run

net start InfoSvr
- If you are switching the user registry for a system that
has been used for a while by multiple users, clean up the users and
groups that are related to the security configuration. See Switching the user registry configuration
for a system in use.
- Manually configure one internal user registry user as an
administrator user to be able to login to the IBM
InfoSphere Information Server Web console and
further create users and groups and assign roles.
cd IS_install_path/ASBServer/bin
./DirectoryAdmin.sh -user -userid user_name -password password -admin
- user_name
- The user name that you want to be the administrator user. You
can name it anything that you want according to the restrictions for internal user
registry user IDs. The internal user registry is stored in
the metadata repository database.
- password
- The password for the administrator user. You can specify anything
according to the restrictions for passwords.
What to do next
After you change the user registry, you can use the administrator
user to log into the IBM
InfoSphere Information Server Web console to
create other users and groups, and to assign roles.