Upgrading in-place to version 11.7.0

You can use the InfoSphere® Information Server 11.7 in-place upgrade package to do an in-place upgrade of InfoSphere Information Server.


You can use the InfoSphere Information Server 11.7 in-place upgrade package to do an in-place upgrade of InfoSphere Information Server 11.5. Migration paths to 11.7 are also available from versions 11.3 and 9.1.

Before you begin

  • Verify that you have a valid backup of your repository, application server, and engine tiers, as well as any other InfoSphere Information Server assets and data. Verify that you have a backup of your entire ISHOME directory. For more information, see Backing up IBM InfoSphere Information Server components.
  • If you are planning on installing Information Server Enterprise Search, read Specifying enterprise search installation options first.
  • If you use the Operations Console, save your settings before you start the upgrade so that you can apply them after the upgrade is complete. Operation Console configurations are not retained after an in-place upgrade.

System requirements

See the 11.7 or 11.5 system requirements, depending on the type of in-place upgrade that you plan to do.

Migration paths for InfoSphere Information Server 9.1 and 11.3

Upgrade from 11.5 to 11.7

Upgrade to a supported operating system
Upgrade the repositories
  • SQL Server
  • Oracle 11g
  • Db2
    • Below are mandatory actions you must take before manually or automatically upgrading Db2.
      • Verify that the /tmp directory has 10 GB of free space. 5 GB of free space is mandatory, but the amount of space needed can increase based on your data.
      • Verify that you have at least 100 MB of space in the / directory. Db2 requires a minimum of 100 MB of free space in the. We recommend 200 MB.
      • Verify that you have the appropriate minimum values for Db2 kernel parameters.
      • In addition to upgrading the Db2 database instance to Db2 11.1, you must also individually upgrade the databases related to InfoSphere Information Server. The heap size needed for each database upgrade varies. See Tuning the application heap size for information on setting the heap size and addressing heap failures.

        • During the database upgrade you might receive the following error message:
          SQL0954C: Not enough storage is available in the application heap to process the statement. SQLSTATE=57011
          The error occurs because a value of 8000 or 32000 is needed in the application heap in certain situations.
          To address the error, you can try one of the following methods:
          • Adjust the heap value to 32000. This setting helps ensure that no more memory is used than the heap value of 32000. You might run a command similar to the following example:
            su - db2inst1 -c ". ./sqllib/db2profile; db2 UPDATE DB CFG FOR IADB USING APPLHEAPSZ 32000"
            Taking this approach, however, might mean that you would have to start your installation over using your backup if more memory is actually needed.
          • You can avoid some heap failures by turning on the Db2 Self Tuning Memory Management (STMM). For more information, see Enabling self-tuning memory. After you connect to the Db2 database, you can use the following command to check the current setting: db2 get db cfg | grep APPLHEAPSZ. To configure self-tuning, run the following command: db2 update db cfg using APPLHEAPSZ automatic. Using this method, however, might cause more memory than the heap value of 32000 to be used.
        • If you receive errors during the database upgrade while adding the DB2SYSTEM=db2host.db2.com parameter to the Global Profile Registry, see db2_install may hit a minor error during the Db2 installation.
      • On AIX and Linux, determine the location where you want to install Db2 11.1. You need a minimum of 10 GB free space in the directory.
      • On Windows, verify that you have a minimum of 10 GB of free space in the directory where Db2 is currently located.
      • Upgrade Db2 if you are using a remote Db2 database or a remote system because remote systems do not have both a services tier and a repository tier. Refer to Db2 documentation to manually upgrade Db2.
      • If your system has a services tier and repository tier, decide whether you want to manually upgrade Db2 or automatically upgrade.
        Manual Upgrade
        1. Refer to Db2 documentation to manually upgrade to Db2 or higher.
        2. Update the Version.xml file entries for the Db2 11.1 location.
        Automatic Upgrade
        Continue to the next section.
Upgrade WebSphere Application Server
  • Liberty WebSphere Application Server: The in-place upgrade program upgrades the Liberty WebSphere Application Server to version if it is at an earlier version. No additional action is needed.
  • WebSphere Network Deployment upgrade requirements: Refer to WebSphere Application Server documentation to manually  upgrade WebSphere Application Server for the following environments:
    • A clustered environment
    • A non-default WebSphere configuration
    • A custom WebSphere configuration
    Decide if you want to manually or automatically upgrade WebSphere Application Server.
    Manual Upgrade
    1. Refer to the WebSphere Application Server documentation to manually upgrade WebSphere to
    2. Update the Version.xml file entries for the WebSphere Application Server location.
    Automatic Upgrade
    Continue to the next section.
If the metadata repository(XMETA) is created with an Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server database, create an XMDFLTVIEWS schema and user in the metadata repository by following these instructions..
Launching the Update Installer to upgrade to 11.7

At this point in the upgrade process, all required operating system upgrades and any required or planned manual repository or WebSphere Application Server upgrades are complete. For required upgrades, the Update Installer tool checks whether the Version.xml file has been manually updated. Optional upgrades that have been done, such as manually upgrading WebSphere Application Server or Db2, are also reflected in the Version.xml file.

The Information Server Home directory (IS_HOME) must have at least 20 GB of free space.

If you need to do an automatic upgrade of Db2 or WebSphere Application Server, in addition to the 11.7 in-place upgrade package image, you should also download the suite image from Passport Advantage, unpack the image, and provide the location to the Update Installer. Note: You must install the suite image or upgrade from 11.5 to before applying 11.7 fix packs or service packs.

The Update Installer can be launched in GUI mode or console mode.

GUI Mode: A new window will ask you whether you want to upgrade Information Server 11.5 to 11.7. The Update Installer determines if upgrades are needed and if a manual upgrade is required. If an automatic upgrade of Db2 or WebSphere Application Server is feasible, you will see check boxes to select these options.

If Db2 has not been manually upgraded and is selected for an upgrade, you must provide the following information:
  • Location where you want Db2 11 installed and
  • Databases that you want upgraded
  • Db2 Instance User ID and password
  • Fenced User ID and password
In all other cases, you must provide the database name, user ID, and password. If WebSphere Application Server is manually upgraded, the following information must be provided:
  • The location where WebSphere Application Server version 9 was installed.
  • The profile name.

Post-installation actions

You must complete mandatory post-installation steps to get a working environment.
  1. Apply the latest 11.7 service pack or fix pack. Note: Both of these can be applied only after the 11.7 installation.
  2. For an IBM InfoSphere Information Server installation with IBM WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment, configure the domain names so the Launchpad on the Enterprise Search node can correctly redirect to the InfoSphere Information Server node URLs.
    1. To set the domain names on the Information Server node, run the following command:
      <Installation Directory>/ASBServer/bin/iisAdmin.sh -set -key com.ibm.iis.isf.security.AllowedRefererDomainNames -value <Domain Name or comma-separated Domain Names>
    2. To check the domain name setting on the Information Server node, run the following command:
      <Installation Directory>/ASBServer/bin/iisAdmin.sh -display -key com.ibm.iis.isf.security.AllowedRefererDomainNames
  3. For an IBM InfoSphere Information Server installation with IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile, configure the certificates for Data Flow Designer.
    1. Run the following command to accept the certificate from the Enterprise Search node on the Information Server node:
      /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/bin/UpdateSignerCerts.sh -url https://<Information Server Enterprise Search node>:443 -user <IS Admin User ID> -password <IS Admin Password>
    2. Restart the Data Flow Designer service on the Information Server node by running the following commands:
      cd <Installation Directory>/ASBNode/CognitiveDesignerEngine 
  4. Enable the automatic purge of Elastic Search logs on the Enterprise Search node.
    1. Expose the Elastic Search port in the Kubernetes service file by running the following command:
      sed -i.bak -e "s/# nodePort: 32555/nodePort: 32555/;s/#type: NodePort/type: NodePort/" /home/mykubeadm1/elasticsearch.yaml
    2. Apply the changes that were made to the Elastic Search configuration file by running the following command:
      kubectl apply -f /home/mykubeadm1/elasticsearch.yaml
    3. Validate that the Elastic Search ports are exposed by running the following command:
      kubectl get svc | grep elasticsearch
    4. Append the following lines to the file /etc/crontab to purge logs that are older than seven days at midnight on a daily schedule:
      0 0 * * * /usr/bin/bash /opt/IBM/UGinstall/esLogPurge.sh >> /var/log/es_purge.log
  5. If you are using Db2® for your repository, update the dsenv file with the new Db2 installation location.

    As part of the InfoSphere Information Server In Place Upgrade, the installed location of Db2 might have changed. In order for the Db2 connectivity components to continue working, changes might need to be made to the Db2 installation location definitions in the dsenv file.

    The dsenv file is located in the following directory relative to the installation directory for InfoSphere Information Server: ./Server/DSEngine

    1. Determine the location where Db2 is installed.
      • You can find the location in the Version.xml file, in an entry similar to:
        <PersistedVariable encrypted="false" name="db2.install.location" persistent="true" readonly="true" value="/opt/IBM/DB2V11"/> 
      • The Version.xml file is located in the installation directory for InfoSphere Information Server.
    2. Restart the node agents after you update the dsenv file.
      <Information Server>/ASBNode/bin/NodeAgents -stop
      <Information Server>/ASBNode/bin/NodeAgents -start 
  6. Run the reindex operation and the graph batchload tool manually. You can then apply your operations console configurations.
See the Post-installation actions in In place upgrade of IBM InfoSphere Information Server 11.5 to version for specific post-installation information.

Known issues

For information on known issues, refer to the Known issues section of In place upgrade of IBM InfoSphere Information Server 11.5 to version